speaker upgrade

It is time to upgrade my speakers. I am currently using Audio Physic Virgos. I am impressed with the speed and detail. They even have decent bass after I learned how to drive them properly. The current choice is an upgrade to Audio Physic Calderas, but before I spend that much money, I am looking for other suggestions. I have auditioned and rejected Hales Transcendance, Dunlavy Mark 4A, and Martin Logan Monoliths. The system is an upgraded McCormick DNA-1 amp, Placette full active preamp, Audio Research CDT-1 and DAC3 Mark II. Power cables and interconnects have been upgraded. Budget is $12k. Any suggestions, picks or pans?
I'd buy a different amp before I'd go to another speaker. I really like the Virgo's although I wouldn't buy them myself. Try a VT100MKII or a SF Power 2, it'll add some life to your system - and it won't cost you 12k. :P
Tweak1, have you had a chance to compare the Mapleshade Double Golden Helix against any other cables?
Don't even think of buying a speaker without auditioning the SoundLab A1. It lists for $15.5K but you can probably get a good discount.Or just use your credit card. You need lots of space though.
Avguygeorge, Mostly, I am anti-tube. I auditioned a lot of tube amps and pre-amps but could not find one that let me hear all of the notes. However, I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised and impressed with the Audio Research DAC. They provided warmth, an expanded sound stage, and - surprisingly - more detail and low end response. Perhaps this is the proper place for tubes.