Best Bookshelf Speakers

I just blew a driver in one of my bookshelf speakers. I am driving them with an inexpensive reciever. I am looking for a recommendation for replacement speakers. Price NEW must be $1,000 or less. Thanks for the help!
B&W CDM-1NT. List is $1200. Many of dealers discount B&W speakers, so it should be around $1000.
I was planning on, and perhaps here, besides possibly one or two other places. This is a favor I am doing at the manufacturer's request. In mentioning these above, I did not mean to presume that they are "the best bookshelf speaker". I've not heard many booksehlf speakers at my home, and only own one bookshelf speaker myself. If I were to undertake a comparitive review of a lot of different small monitor speakers, that would take forever, becuase there are just too many of them. All I can do is try these, and give my detailed opinion, which is all any reviewer ever really does anyway (except unless they also have a decent methodology for publishing lab measurements, like SPHL...but I can't do that).
Jtinn: What were the speakers that you blew and did you like them, if not what was it that you did not like about them? What kind of music do you listen to? Also how much power does your amp have and what is the size of your listening room? When was the first time you...? The answers to these questions will allow the people at this forum to make better recommendations. To get your money's worth the speakers need to match the power of your amp, the room and your personal taste. Some speakers are soft, some are bright, etc.. I have home demoed some "good" speakers that were not so good in my listening room with my amplifier.
The Legacy Studio Monitors are the best. Well built - look good in your choice of finish and sound incredible.
PSB has an entry level model that you can get for $200 pr. It is an awesome buy for the money.