Best Bookshelf Speakers

I just blew a driver in one of my bookshelf speakers. I am driving them with an inexpensive reciever. I am looking for a recommendation for replacement speakers. Price NEW must be $1,000 or less. Thanks for the help!
I'd look at the Swans Diva speakers. Best value for the money. Another thought: Audio Concepts Sapphire III. Also might look at a speaker kit. The Seas Odin at Good luck.
Gee, carl, it's just so selfless of you to spend all of this intelectual currency enlighting the rest of us. You are a wealth of knowledge no matter what the subject is. How do you do it, man? I do have one question that I know only you can answer. What is the central mystery of Quantum Mechanics?
You mean the search for a grand unified theory of Quantum Mechanics? I don't know if that's the central mystery, but if you're so interested in it, you might want to e-mail Stephen Hawking, or some other prominant theoretical physicist. I'm no expert on that, nor am I a physicist....BUT THEN, YOU WERE BEING SARCASTIC, AND WE ALL KNOW IT, DON'T WE? Go pick on somebody your own size, and keep it on audio, or you'll be gone from here like the rest have (unless of course you already have been, and have returned under a different moniker).........................To sum up, you have singled me out in a personal manner, and this is quite against Audiogon's rules. Why don't YOU tell me something about AUDIO that I don't already know?.....(since that's the "central mystery" of why I'm hear, i.e., to learn what I don't already know about audio, and to share experiences for the give and take of that learning). I have a great-aunt named Merle, but somehow I doubt it's you auntie...
I have to agreee with Sugarbrie. The B&W CDM1NT is a fabulous speaker for the money. Great soundstage, aand detail. Might want a sub for the lower end though.