Talon Khorus Speakers

Has anyone heard the Talon Khorus Speakers? I have heard they are quite good and compete or surpass the best. If anyone has heard them do you know if it benefits from the Roc subs, and if so do you need 2 for proper image and focus?
Avguygeorge- I have heard both I own the Talon's. The decision between the two was not even close. Actually the 5's did not make it into the top five when I checked out the latest from some very high end speaker makers. I know how subjective this hobby is but the Talon's are so clearly a new standard you owe it to yourself to consider them.
Acuujim - I'd be curious to know which speakers made your top-5 list, if you don't mind saying. Any comments you'd care to offer on the individual contenders would be welcome.
Plato, I'd also be inerested in your top 5 speaker list. I currently own Avalon Radian HCs with Spectral and MIT. I love most things about this system, the transparency, image width etc. They are reasonably dynamic but seem to lack the pppp to ffff dynamics I'd like. My other complaint about this system is a slight thinness or lack of burnish in the brasses and a lack of sweetness to the violins that you hear in real life. I don't think I could give up the transparency, speed and imaging capacities of the system. Do you guys think the Khorus speakers fit this bill? What eletronics and wire/cabling have you found that bring this speaker to life? Beside the Nearfields any other class contenders out there, without taking out a second mortgage Or even if you did have to? I've heard great things about the Lamm elecronics, Joule, First Sound, Amasphere and Jadis as well. Anyone have the privledge of hearing any of these components compared or individually? Thanks for responding to my post.
I agree with Acuujim. These speakers do set a new standard. My heart beat can be altered by the force that these speakers are capable of in the "nether regions"! As far as the subs go, I have never heard them. I would love to try them if I ever move into a larger room, but in my current set-up they would probably be overkill. When setup properly I have heard that the Roc, in addition to strengthening the bass (which is SCARY),also opens up the midrange. If you do listen with and w/o, please share.
I have heard the Talon Khorus and though they do a few things well, they ultimately failed to convince me that I was hearing real music and instruments. If you want more details, e-mail me privately and I'll fill you in. So they are not on my top-5 list, but the following are: The larger Genesis line-source ribbon systems, the larger Sound Labs full-range electrostatics, the Magnepan MG-20, the InnerSound Eros electrostatic hybrids, and the Eminent Technology LFT VI. I have heard the PipeDreams systems and thought they had good potential, but lacked a bit of immediacy which bumped them off my list(ditto the Khorus). Other speakers I've heard good things about, but haven't heard, are: the Wisdom Audio ribbon systems, the latest big Dunlavy models, Newform research NHB models (with subs), and a couple upper-end models by Theil. I have heard the Avalon Ascents sound quite good, but I never heard the Radian HCs--though I've heard good things about them. Mainly I am using cables from Sonoran and from Full Spectrum Audio, with a digital cable from Harmonic Technology. I own the InnerSound Eros with a Paradigm Servo-15 sub, and I'll take that combo over 96% of everything else out there--including the Khorus--sorry. I believe that it's simply more faithful to the sound of music. I know that some of my picks are ultimately bass-shy, but a properly implimented subwoofer system will take care of that easily.