Talon Khorus Speakers

Has anyone heard the Talon Khorus Speakers? I have heard they are quite good and compete or surpass the best. If anyone has heard them do you know if it benefits from the Roc subs, and if so do you need 2 for proper image and focus?
Heard a dealer's pair through some pricy gear. Maybe it was the room, equipment, or something else; they sounded very good but they were not world class. The build was above average but not furniture quality like JM Labs and others. My guess the material, drivers and build cost is $3,000+. Huge profit margin on these units.
Gvwaudio, I forgot to also ask about the equipment that was used in the demo?
They don't open up either. The latest audio fad, maybe but when I listen at my dealer, they've always sounded dry and hard at the top with no sense of warmth except in bloated midrange. Dealer had to change rooms cause other speakers were killing them. So he sent the big Khorus' to my house and had me audition for a week and listened with me. They sounded worse in my house than the dealership. I agree with poster about the Merlins, because there is no sense whatsoever of two drivers...never!! ALWAYS ONE SEAMLESS WHOLE SOUND. Maybe that's what comes after twenty or thirty years on the same model. Bass is fabulous thanks to the BAM...but beware, depending on your system the BAM may sound better AFTER the preamp, not after the CDP as recommended. They reward placement tweaks...can actually made to disappear like my Guarneris. Take out a test disc and realize how low the Merlins go...way low. None of my full range speakers, except my very expensive Genesis go so low. (and balanced....test tones volumes don't go up and down.) Best engineered speaker I ever heard. Period. I have a 47' by 30' (with ceilings over 20 feet in places) listening room (I know, too big) and thus bought the largest Genesis. But I am building another room specifically for theater and Merlins...in fact in the main room for audio, if I sat closer I would change the Genesis for the Merlins. BTW, for full disclosure, when I was young and had small home I had two sets of Merlins.
Did any of you gentlemen (or women) have the opportunity to contrast the Khorus' with the Kharma Ceramique 1.0? These are in the same bracket price and construction wise. Another newcomer is the latest from Eli Gershman...the Opera Suavage...which employs a layered and contoured type of cabinet...see the site. My next big jump from my present Hales T5's (wish I had bought the T8's) is to something listed in this thread...any discards among ye?