Which Speaker in the 4-6K Range?

I am interested in buying a pair of full range floor standing speakers that have the following attributes:(1)Sensitivity of 90db or greater. (2)Bass extension down to at least 25-30hz. (3) Solid built quality. (4) Ability to simply diappear and (5) cost about 4-6k. I am considering the Silverline audio Sonata and Coincident Technologies. I prefer the Hales Design Group Trancendence 8 but it costs 10k unfortunately. Please help.
If you really want the Hales T8 and are willing to buy used, you should have no problem finding a pair in your price range. With Hales closing shop, the prices are better than ever.
Given your specifications, you should add the Coincident Technology Super Eclipse to your "short list" for auditions. Go the Coincident's Web page for more info:http://www.coincidentspeaker.com/eclipse.htm
The virgo is one to check too. I think it only goes to 31khz, but it is very controlled. Sensitivity is around 89 (?) range. They pull off a great disappearing act. They must be out in the room to do it though.
During the last year, I have owned both Coincident Super Eclipses (listed at $5500 although Israel Blume will sell them to you directly for $4500 post paid) and the new Silverline Sonatas (at $6000 a pair). I think that they are both great speakers, but I kept the Sonatas. The latter had a more refined quality, better soundstaging, and a more controllable bass. However, I don't think that you could go wrong with either.