Best Magneplanars Ever!?

Would a factory reconditioned set of Magneplanar Tympani's offer any benefits over their new, single panel speakers? As discussed in related posts, I would also be very grateful for additional opinions regarding the 3.5 vs. the MG-20. Thank you to everyone for opinions on tubes vs solid state but has anyone tried bi-amping, especially with solid state low end and tubes for mids? Best Wishes.
I agree with Pikll about the set up but once properly done it is damn hard to beat, especially the soundstage. I had a pair and seperated the bass panels from the midrange columns, I had a stage that you could get up and walk around shaking hands with the individual players in the band. Mine were biamped with a pair of Audio Research amps (can't recall the number 110 maybe) on the midrange Levinson crossover and one Eagle 7A on the bass panels. The new MG-20's sound awfull good but that soundstage!
I can still recall listening to a pair of Tympani in the home of the guy who owns Aural Symphonics (interconnects, etc.). I went to his home in San Jose in the early days of his business, when he was literally assembling the Aural Symphonics As-One cables in his garage. We spent about an hour listening to his Tympanis, which were set up in his rec room which was totally dedicated to his sound system. The soundstaging and overall presentation was so real that it literally made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! A recording of a female vocalist (I forget who, but it might have been Joan Baez) was so realistic that I felt like I could reach out and touch her. I have never -- before or since -- heard such a presentation from an audio system. There is no doubt that setup was critical, but I can still remember that hour!!!
Great answers, thank you everyone. PikII, you could charge admission for demos. I'll bring you a bottle of Chateau Margaux if you're interested...Personally, I am soundstage obsessed, so the feedback on the Tympani is tantalizing. How about this -- could one mimic the soundstaging of the Tympani by using 2 or 3 pairs of newer Magneplnars?? Also, is there a particular room shape or size that would make the set up task harder or easier? I am willing to buy a new apartment for this!!!