3-way under 1000 new.

Looking to buy a 3way speakers that is under $1000 new. I like jazz, blues, and classical. Are there any out there for this price point? I see most of the good ones start around $1500. I have an all tube system if that helps in the advise.


I don't mean to throw cold water on your idea of buying a good 3-way speaker that sells new for $1k or less, but there isn't much to pick from. Most of the under $1k speaker systems are two-way floorstanders, or monitors.

However, if you are willing to spend up to $1k for a used speaker system, you have some real choices. Two of the models that you should think about are the Vandersteen 2Ce or 2Ce Signature, and the Magnepan 1.6R. These are very different speakers, with a substantially different sonic signature, but both work well with tubes. The deciding factor of which to buy might well hinge on your room -- the Maggies need to be placed well away from the rear wall.
Keep your eyes peeled for a used pair of Hales Revolution-3s. I found a used pair for $1000.00 in mint condition and have been very pleased. I have been driving them with a Sonic Frontiers Power-2 with excellent results. They are an all-around great performer. Do some research on the web and be sure to check reviews on other audio sites.
I have heard quite a bit of good things about he new Energy C-series (C-5, 7 & 9). These are under 1K and suppose to be very good. Auditioning is on my inteniary.
Buy a pair of Lowther DX3 for $795, build a simple cabinet, and you will never think about 3-ways again. You will have a brand new set of speakers that work wonderfully with tubes, costs well under $1000, and has sound that makes ANY $1000 3-way seem like a poor choice. Concerned about the highs and lows with a single driver? How does 36Hz-20kHz sound to you? How about 98db efficiency with 1 watt input? And detail that sound like you took the blanket off. Think about it.
At your price point and with tube equipment you're really limiting yourself in terms of options by looking for a 3-way speaker. I find speakers to be the most personal of all audio equipment choices, so I'd say focus on finding the right speaker for your system and tastes in your price range and forget about how many drivers and/or crossovers the things have. This will open up a world of possibilities, and I'd be surprised if several 2-way speakers didn't surpass what the 3-ways can do at this price point in terms of overall sound quality, and many will put out enough bass to keep even a head-banger fairly happy. I guess what I'm saying is quality over quantity when it comes to speakers.

That said, I'd echo the Vandersteen 2ce recommendation above although they can be a little on the polite side for some so obviously try before you buy. The Triangle Antals will also work very well with tubes and will certainly satisfy your need for more drivers. If you want to buy new, Axiom and Energy offer towers that are high on the drivers per dollar scale and have gotten some nice reviews, but I'm not sure how they'll work with tubes or, more specifically, your tube equipment. Best of luck.
