Best "Bookshelves" for $500? new or used

About two months ago I got a pair of B&W 601 series 2 for $500 to go w/ my used, budget "mid-fi" system: 1)Rotel RB-980BX amp (120W), 2)Rotel RC-972 pre-amp, 3)DIY TNT-audio X 1.5 IC's (12 strand,30 GA silver-coated OFC), and 4)bi-wired Chris Venhaus DIY (27 pair braid) Cat 5 teflon speaker cables. Originally, I used a Denon 360 carousel w/ Alpha processor (5 cdp for girlfriend) as my source, but found the highs to be really agressive at times (sibilance?). So, I switched to the Denon 370 carousel w/ Burr Brown's. Beautifully warm and smooth unit initially that is oh-so silky, but after a few days I realized that it seriously lacked detail, highs rolled off, and made mid-bass boomy. So I think I'll get a used MSB Link DAC 1 (upgrade later) and a decent 5 disc transport. Anyway, after breaking in, the B&W's seemed like a great buy, but now I'm beginning to think that high freq trouble may be a result of their tweeter and maybe they aren't as engaging as they should be. Possibly because B&W really meant these for home theater. Now I am looking for something w/ better soundstage, imaging, and presense. I now this is a tall order for $500 (used), but something that will fill my room with a detailed, spacious, engaging sound. Preferably bi-wirable now that I spent a month making the cables. I've read great things about the Paradigm Atoms for $200 new, but maybe these are the new budget flavor of the year. Any suggestions? Feel free to email me. Victor
Maybe the problem is upstream of the speakers, although I have read quite a few other review/postings that mention the brightness of these speakers. But, maybe I should try out another pre-amp with the Denon 360 (the Alpha DAC is precise). I've always wanted (since college) a CJ setup, maybe this is the time to pick up a used pre and try it out.
Stick with the pv10, I had the sc-26 before. It is ok but the pv10 is way smoother and cost the same.
I have a pair of the B&W 601 (previous version, not the current one). I agree they do sound a little bright and edgy. I also own a pair of Epos EP12s which I bought used for about $550. I enjoy them much more than the B&Ws. They are smoother, better imaging, better bass. I'm using them with tube amps (Cary 40M signatures), so my results may not directly compare to yours, but I can say that for $550 I'm very pleased with the Epos
I bought a pair of Triangle Titus xs speakers a few weeks ago, they're excellent. They image and have better depth than the Paradigms I had. I bought them for $475 including shipping.
I agree with the comments on the 601's but for $400 they are pretty good. I've tried out a few Rotel preamps in the past including the 900 series and I thought they were all on the dull side. Try out another preamp. I'll add the Anthem Pre-1L or Pre-2L to my list.