Vote for the best speakers in 10K range

I didn't have chance to hear many of speakers in that price range. I am curious what is the opinion of the audiophile world.
Rayhall: I'm very impressed with the Vandy 5's as well. What do you recommend as the "right" electronics? (My listening room is fairly large, high-ceiling, very bright w/hard surfaces.)
I think the Vandersteen 5's are excellent speaker eventhough I personally prefer the sound of Dunlavy's. The Vandy's sound superb driven with ARC VT-200.
I vote for the B&W N-802 or the N-801s..They are very beautiful sounding and definitely as good as any speakers out there in this price range.
Sschreiner: I heard the Vandersteen 5 with an Ayre V-1 (200 watts, solid state) and Ayre K-1 solid state preamp. It was magical. This is pretty expensive stuff. I would also recommend what I have now, which is a Pass Aleph 4 power amp and CAT SL-1 Ultimate preamp. If you want to spend less, you can look at amps by Marsh, Aloia, Monarchy, and possibly Electrocompaniet, as well as preamps by Audible Illusions, a used Audioprism Mantissa. As you can see, I am a solid state bigot (as far as power amps go), so you'll have to ask elsewhere for info about tube amps. These speakers may do well with tube amps. Since they have a built in amplifier to handle the bass, you will not be relying on your tube amp to deliver the bass which is where nearly all tube amps that I have heard fall down. Also, try to find a dealer who can properly set up and demonstrate the Vandersteen's. It is a difficult speaker to get "right". I highly recommend John at Audio Connection in Verona, N.J.