Haha Tvad,
make sure that hair shirt doesnt fit too well. I guess it is like any other format or equipment set up. There is a certain amount of investment in time and effort before you can yield great things.
As a fellow contrarian in many aspects of my life, there does come a point when you just have to say if you cant beat them join them.
The joy of controlling all your music via an ipad or iphone with full artwork and track information right at your finger tips is a fiendishly tempting prospect even for the most bloody minded of audiophile! With the right gear the sound is sublime, so no excuse there. OK there is a little teething now and again.
Come join the party... When I say party I mean watch me reboot. The blasted thing froze. But with the super fast SSHD it will only take 2 seconds! I couldnt walk to the CD rack as fast. Let alone choose one.
make sure that hair shirt doesnt fit too well. I guess it is like any other format or equipment set up. There is a certain amount of investment in time and effort before you can yield great things.
As a fellow contrarian in many aspects of my life, there does come a point when you just have to say if you cant beat them join them.
The joy of controlling all your music via an ipad or iphone with full artwork and track information right at your finger tips is a fiendishly tempting prospect even for the most bloody minded of audiophile! With the right gear the sound is sublime, so no excuse there. OK there is a little teething now and again.
Come join the party... When I say party I mean watch me reboot. The blasted thing froze. But with the super fast SSHD it will only take 2 seconds! I couldnt walk to the CD rack as fast. Let alone choose one.