Vandersteen 3A vs. ProAc3.8

Which one is the better pick ? compare interms of balance bass extension "slam and punch" listenability detail ? thanks
I also give a significant edge in detail to Proac. Even though Vandersteen is not the most detailed, it is a more natural sound than most hyperdetailed speakers. The only way I can liken it is if you go to a concert, you never leave saying "Wow, those violins or that singer was so detailed". The violins or the drums or the singer is just there. You get more of that sense with Vandersteens than most hyperdetailed speakers. Sometimes that detail which they provide is beyond natural. Even though overall I wold prefer Vandersteens, particularly the 3A Signature, don't get me wrong. I could satisfy myself with either speaker. Very interesting contrasts. Thanks for the opportunity to expound.
Good thread Yangsp. Rayhall, a couple of excellent posts above as I've been considering this very question myself, and as you probably know I have 3Asigs. I like the 3As a lot, but was wondering if I could achieve a worthwhile upgrade by going to the Proac 3.8s. I would be looking to keep all the Vand. good qualities, but get some increased mid-range detail and bass "speed". But it sounds like I can't have it all in the Proacs. Another on my "short list" are the Vand. 5s, which in other threads you have praised and made excellent observations-- sounds like we have similar tastes in speakers. BTW the big 300/600 wpc McCormack DNA-2DX does an excellent job of controlling the bass in the 3As. As I live in a pretty remote area, the only practical way I can really audition is by actually purchasing (hopefully used) and then selling what I don't like. Articulate, in depth posts like yours really help me out, especially since we both know and use the 3As, I've come to trust your ears. I tried to give you a couple of + votes! Thanks, Craig.
Craig, Thanks for the kind words. I think a Vandersteen 5 would be a great "compromise" between these two speakers. I have to put compromise in quotes because I don't think a Vandersteen 5 is much of a compromise in any way. But man, that's too much money to spend on anyone else's say-so. Why not take a road trip some weekend so you can hear them both? At $9800, even if you have to get on a plane, that's a cost effective decision. Thanks for the info on the DNA-2's. Ray.
Garfish, if you like the Proac 3.8 and the size is not an issue, then listen to the new Total Eclipse from Coincident. I have listened to both and the Proac, as good as it is, can't compete with the Total Eclipse. A bold statement for sure but I believe any open minded person would have to agree. Not only is it a better speaker, the Total Eclipse out performed the 3.8 in every area. I am using a 12 watt amp on the TE and most times I have power to spare. Garfish, Check this one out.