Another 2,000 Speaker Question

First off, let me say that I am not an audiophile, but a music lover (which means I need help!). I would like to start building my system by replacing the (mostly junk) I have currently with a quality system. Unfortunately, I am also not near a good high end dealer. The listening room is rectangular, but the speakers would fire across, not down, the room. I listen to blues, rock, acoustic music, some jazz, but little classical. I recently read a review in Stereophile regarding the Magnepan 3.6 speakers; while those are out of my price range, I often see the 3.5's used for about 2,000 or so. What are your thoughts regarding the 3.5's vs. the 1.6 Magnepans? I currently have a McIntosh amp, which will eventually have to be replaced (sooner rather than later if I go with the Maggies due to their power requirements) Does anyone have any thoughts regarding non-electrostatics in this price range, such as the PSB GOlds or Paradigm 100's? Also, have you had success with used components and their value vs. brand new product lines? Any help is appreciated.
I recently hear another Paradigm near but not at that price point driven by NAD electronics and a good (CAL CL-10)CD player. I felt that they imaged very well and had lots of detail, but maybe were a little "hi-fi ish". It was in a demo room with lots of other speakers and a TV monitor, so under better conditions, probably would have awesome imaging. As far as used goes, that's the beauty of this site; lots of good stuff and with a pretty efficent market. So far, have not yet had a problem with my many purchases here. Best of luck (and you probably could get a nice pair of Vandersteen 3a sigs in your budget range; lots of choices if you go with used, altho with big heavy speakers there's always the issue of physical condition and shipping.) Best of luck.
I have owned the Maggies 3.5Rs for two and 1/2 years now and have never regreted it. I listen to mostly acoustic jazz and jazz vocals and I have yet to hear any speakers in this price range sound as musical. I haven't heard the 1.6's to compare but they are probably not quite as bright as the 3.5s. You will need a reasonably large room to let these speakers breath. They have great soundstaging as long they are 3 or 4 feet away from the side and rear walls. If you listen to a lot of rock or electric blues, some recordings will make the 3.5s may sound a little bright. You would need to make sure your source components match up to your type of listening. Also, be prepared to spend many late nights for speaker placement (with all speakers of course but especially with the Maggies)but once you get them right, they sound beautiful! Since you are upgrading your electronics, before you purchase a new amp, you may want to check into biamping the Maggies, I have been biamping mine for a year now and it makes a big difference. Hope this helps and happy listening.
Thanks for the help, Sdzink and Swampwalker. The room is 15 by 20, and the speakers will go on the longer wall. Is this room big enough? On rock and electric blues, do you think that they will sound too bright, or can interconnects, source components, or amplification smooth this out?