Another 2,000 Speaker Question

First off, let me say that I am not an audiophile, but a music lover (which means I need help!). I would like to start building my system by replacing the (mostly junk) I have currently with a quality system. Unfortunately, I am also not near a good high end dealer. The listening room is rectangular, but the speakers would fire across, not down, the room. I listen to blues, rock, acoustic music, some jazz, but little classical. I recently read a review in Stereophile regarding the Magnepan 3.6 speakers; while those are out of my price range, I often see the 3.5's used for about 2,000 or so. What are your thoughts regarding the 3.5's vs. the 1.6 Magnepans? I currently have a McIntosh amp, which will eventually have to be replaced (sooner rather than later if I go with the Maggies due to their power requirements) Does anyone have any thoughts regarding non-electrostatics in this price range, such as the PSB GOlds or Paradigm 100's? Also, have you had success with used components and their value vs. brand new product lines? Any help is appreciated.
I agree with Ljgj. The SL3 can be placed in your room. It has probably one of the most revealing mid ranges around. I few cautionary points: You probably won't want to drive these with tubes--while you can--and they sound great--they need a lot of current, which puts you into big buck tube amps. Sedond's suggestion of a tube pre and solid state power is a very good one for these speakers. Another important point--what is behind the speakers? If it's curtains--well, then it's curtains for these speakers--they need a sonically reflective wall behind them, otherwise the soundstage collapses.
Thanks, Sedond. I read the reviews on on the speaker you referred to. I don't think I've seen a collection of reviews that positive on anything. It's in my price range as well. I particularly liked the one reviewer who mentioned Keb Mo's Just Like You album, which is the type of music I mainly listen to. It can also handle tube and/or SS with it's sensitivity (is that the right word) So many options! As far as your compromise, I was thinking about getting speakers (all of the ones recommended here sound intriguing, though electrostatic vs. cone is up in the air), amp (possibly tube), and cd player w/volume (older units by Resolution Audio? or Wadia have been auctioned for reasonable amounts on this site) and foregoing the preamp. My other option is using the digital out on my Sony DVD player to a newer Digital processor (the MSB Link III's upsampling, for example seems like it's getting a lot of press), and getting a preamp. Any thoughts (I probably enraged about 90% of the readers reading this due to these equipment choices!).

Ljgj, thanks for the recommendation. A friend of mine just bought the Aerius second hand and has been gushing ever since about it. I may get a chance to audition at least its little brother.

Tubes sound the way to go for me, thanks Trelja and rcprince. I only purchase tube amps for guitar amplification due to their tone and 3-D quality; I guess much of the same concepts apply in audio (obviously audio components are far superior). I like the comment regarding the naturalness of the dynamics, I think that's right where I'd be going.
undertaker, while i really like the martin logan cls (tho they don't go loud enuff for me on many types of music i listen to), except for m-l's top-line models, i've never cared for their hybrids - but, ymmv.

re: not using a preamp, my experience is a nice toob preamp w/a not-too-expensive cd-player, will beat out a moderately-expensive cd-player, run straight in. (again, while there are many who will agree w/me on this, there are also others who don't!) and, a good toob preamp will drastically reduce the differences between inexpensive & moderately-expensive cd-players, imo. of course, i also listen to a lot of vinyl, *and* a lot of fm, so no preamp is not an option for me.

regards, doug

Undertaker4, I was waiting for the electrostat users to show up. You should make a point of listening to your friend's M-L, as the transparency of the midrange may be your cup of tea, and the lack of deep bass may not upset you. Abstract7's cautions are excellent, and you should heed them. As far as the preamp/no preamp debate goes, I think that if you like the tube amps sound, you should consider going with a tubed preamp as well. Going straight into the amps with a CD player will give you better dynamics (I actually tried this with my Jadis tubed preamp, which clearly softened the initial edge of transients but, again, in a way I find more approximates a concert hall) and probably a little more low level detail, but you may lose a little of the tube dimensionality and, all right, I'll say it, pleasing harmonic distortions(!). The main reason, though, would be for the possibility of using other sources, be they a tuner, SACD, DVD-Audio or, most importantly, vinyl. BTW, my brother is a guitarist as well (I am too, but only acoustic these days), and he also prefers using tubed guitar amps for the reasons you mentioned.
Again, thanks everyone. Has anyone had success with integrated amps from Jadis or Manley? I continue to read up on all this stuff, and was wondering if a relatively easy to drive speaker with one of these amps may be the ticket. Let's say I narrow it down to the Reynauds or the Newform Research; since I don't have a dealer for either one, what will be the differences that I hear? The big maggies are probably too much for my room, I guess, but some of the other speaker options sound great. The ss amp w/tube preamp sounds good too; how would that compare to a tube integrated? Thanks in advance!