Another 2,000 Speaker Question

First off, let me say that I am not an audiophile, but a music lover (which means I need help!). I would like to start building my system by replacing the (mostly junk) I have currently with a quality system. Unfortunately, I am also not near a good high end dealer. The listening room is rectangular, but the speakers would fire across, not down, the room. I listen to blues, rock, acoustic music, some jazz, but little classical. I recently read a review in Stereophile regarding the Magnepan 3.6 speakers; while those are out of my price range, I often see the 3.5's used for about 2,000 or so. What are your thoughts regarding the 3.5's vs. the 1.6 Magnepans? I currently have a McIntosh amp, which will eventually have to be replaced (sooner rather than later if I go with the Maggies due to their power requirements) Does anyone have any thoughts regarding non-electrostatics in this price range, such as the PSB GOlds or Paradigm 100's? Also, have you had success with used components and their value vs. brand new product lines? Any help is appreciated.
Again, thanks everyone. Has anyone had success with integrated amps from Jadis or Manley? I continue to read up on all this stuff, and was wondering if a relatively easy to drive speaker with one of these amps may be the ticket. Let's say I narrow it down to the Reynauds or the Newform Research; since I don't have a dealer for either one, what will be the differences that I hear? The big maggies are probably too much for my room, I guess, but some of the other speaker options sound great. The ss amp w/tube preamp sounds good too; how would that compare to a tube integrated? Thanks in advance!
undertaker, ewe mite wanna look into the pathos classic one integrated - this is a drop-dead georgeous integrated w/a tubed preamp & solid-state amp. also has remote. retails for ~$1900, i've seen used/demo's for ~$1k-$1.3k. may be there's still one f/s here on a-gon.

re: newform vs reynauds, whle i can't offer comparisons, unfortunately, perhaps ewe can get reynauds (or another *finalist*?) in yer house at the same time as, say, the newforms, w/a similar no-obligation audition - then ewe could compare 'em both & send back the one ya like the least. yule only be out the shipping - seems like it wood be a worthehile inwestment...

regards, doug

Undertaker, please don't lose fact, that which ever speaker you decide to audition, buy, demo etc. That you will be placing them on the long wall. Not all speakers and probably most will sound better on your short wall. I own Aerial 10t and this speaker will not work well on the long wall. One of the most or maybe the most critical factor in obtaining good sound starts with the room and placement. Maybe others can direct you to some sites about this subject. I suggest you find the best speakers in your budget that will work best in your particular room. Fuel for thought.
Thanks, Mikec. That was kind of why I had the Mag 3.5's in mind at the start of the thread, because the reviewer described his room dimensions as similar to mine, and said that he thought they did well in that setup. Unfortunately, I can't arrange the room the other way, because there are closets at one end, and the other wall in unusable as well for stereo. I'm glad you mentioned that point (due to that, does that mean that electrostatics would do better as a general rule, or does it change speaker to speaker?) I would love to know of some web sites that could give me more info. in this regard.
undertaker, i suggest ewe contact the mfr's of the models yure considering - they should be helpful in evaluating their product in reference to your set-up. i *know* john meyer of newform, will respond honestly & accurately if ya give him a call; no reason why other mfr's won't, as well...