Dealer Ethics? - Anonymous disparagement

Is it wrong for an apparent DUNLAVY AUDIO dealer to ANONYMOUSLY call Pipedreams the" worst speaker I have ever heard over $500.00"?? I was startled by the extremely negative posts by cg70754 as to the Pipedreams loudspeakers . He called them in one of two posts - " Truly the worst speaker over $500.00 I have ever heard". Strong negative stuff . A check of the DUNLAVY AUDIO website revealed Acoustics Solutions as a Dealer with e-mail address c/o An e-mail to cg70754 , showed cg70754 to be the listed DUNLAVY dealer,in Alpharetta,GA,- Chuck Gerlach of Acoustic Solutions . What do you think?
Perfectimage- I think you misunderstood, Dunleavy dealer apparently trashing competitors product, not one of his own lines. Very low class, IMO, and most importantly, just another reason to take any internet opinions with a grain of salt until you can verify the source.
dekay: hope this doesn't disappoint you, but one of the areas in which i specialize is legal malpractice (on the victim's side). fact is, i don't like most lawyers any more than the 46% or so of the population who ain't one. as for cg70754: how could he be so stupid? does he think he's gonna get a whole lot more business disparaging a product purchased by, maybe, 6 or 7 folks in any given year?
Cornfed: But do you pretend you like/respect them in front of other people including your clients? I assume that both of my attorneys do in my presence, either that or I have retained a couple of true cyphers. My other legal friends however tell it like it is in private.
dekay: eye tink ewe gotta couple a cyphers. and whydaya knead 2, anywaze? (did eye git that clothes to write, doug?) do you believe i fake my my opinions on agon, dekay? i'm close to being offended, since the worst thing you could accuse me of being is a hypocrite. FWIW, i still practice where the tall corn grows & have a number of folks i respect in the 2nd oldest profession on earth who happen to live in polk and surrounding counties. trust your "other legal friends." i'm sure one of 'em musta told you why lawyers wear neckties. keeps the foreskin from slippin' over their heads.
Now,Now,boys. My friend Mr.Pipedreams demands vindication or else. I have been to many dealers who trash 'everything' they don't carry/ just not to that extent.