Any experience... Merlin+Wadia+Rowland

My current set-up is a Wadia 850 connected directly using a pair of Cardas Golden Reference XLR to a Jeff Rowland model 10.
My speakers... I am thinking of a Merlin VSM-M/w BAM but I have friends who have cautioned me that the speaker essentially prefers more tube than solid state (amp).
Any opinions?
i dont know why anyone would call the merlins bright or fatiguing. they're not. they're neutral. few other speakers are. what will happen is you will hear the intrinsic characteristic of your rowland amp (as well as your ICs &CDP). one of the fun things about merlins is that every change you make is obvious--garbage in, garbage out (well, not GARBAGE out, but you get the idea). sounds like you've got a nice upstream, with the SS wiring harness you might be hooked (i've no experience with the SE, i have the M w/ a SS wiring harness, and have few complaints). ---BTW, merlins are as musical as the music you give them (via the colored components in the signal path). the speakers have NO character. i'd be hard pressed to give a higher compliment to any speaker.---but audition first. as always.
Dkuipers a thanks for a response to a remark you made concerning the Merlin's several months back when you categorized them as being "Hi-Fi" as opposed to "musical". You have finally answered my question concerning why they were "hi-fi" to you. The Merlin VSM-SE are a highly damped design which would make them more optimal with a tube amp. This would minimize their tendency to be rather thin sounding as they can sound with ss. I have owned these speakers for the past 6 months. They aren't easy but true excellence and this degree of resolution takes time and effort to get right. Their intrinsic attributes are this based on my experience - resolving, immediate (if you like laid back, forget the Merlin's). They are completely revealing of deficiencies of source components, especially the recording. They are also very wire dependent. That said if you are willing to experiment with the components that will bring out their virtues which are SUPERB tonal balance, SOTA resolution, excellent dynamics, soundstaging and imaging champs and last but certainly not least excellence at resolving bass in the MOST natural manner without ever feeling overpowered by something that DOESN'T exist in the live domain, these speakers are among the best. But for some, the immediacy will be too much. They have an upfront presentation which may not appeal to all. I haven't listened to the Millenium S (for ss wiring harness) with a solid state amp but can't imagine the SE with SS. With the SE consider tubes as your only option. Oh bty, I love the music coming through these speakers.
BTY I have found MIT speaker cable both 750 and 770 reference a MUCH better match than the analysis plus oval 9's with the Merlin's. I initially liked the AP but long term the sound became fatiguing. The MIT's cured this for good. Harmonic Tech Truthlink interconnect cables work well with this speaker system.
I just ordered the VSM's. I currently have the TSM's with a Pass 250 and a Wadia 6I The Pass is new, before I used an EAR intergrated with the Merlins and Wadia. A very nice sound not fatiguing at all. I wanted a little more bottem end than the EAR/ TSM's could provide so I ordered the VSM's and the Pass 250. The Pass arrived so I put it in the system.My first impression was not good,something was missing, I actually liked the little EAR a lot better untill a friend brought over his Atmasphere Pre Amp. The change was like night and day. I could not believe the sound coming out of these little speakers, I can't wait to get the VSM's. I think a good tube preamp is a big plus in that set up. I ordered the Atmasphere the next day after hearing that sound.
tubegroover: mit cables are about the most colored cables in existence. ditto for HT truthlinks, the treble is waaaaayyy rolled off with those. the only people I've run across happy with the Merlins long term use amps like cj and EAR as two examples. do you not see the pattern here? if it takes colored components to live with the speakers, then the speakers are fundamentally flawed. period.