Speaker Fetish

I don't know if I am alone or not but I like speakers. I have a pair and am not looking to replace them but I find myself drawn to looking into new speakers all of the time. I don't know if I should go to a shrink or is this normal? Any coments? DO I NEED HELP?????
The fetish never leaves either. I thought I was over it. HA. I was hardcore from about 1987-1994. About '94 I realized I was so busy working and coaching youth sports (3 boys) I had no time. So I downgraded (GASP). I bought nothing until 2001. I decided I wanted to integrate audio with video so I needed a new preamp. Next thing ya know I have new preamp/processor, amps, digital processor, transport, speakers.... Oh no I'm hooked again. I love it,
but my family doesn't understand. They think I'm nuts. Well I probably am, but at least I'm not alone. Seven years on the wagon and now I'm a lush again. God I missed this.
Think of this as a "roast". I tried hard to offend everyone. Some of you just made it tooooo easy for me.
I worked the thread starting backwards.BTW,this is how I live my life,.I hope it shows!!
Jmcgrogan;...Not sure if they have AA(audiophiles anonymous)But,if they do "get with the program"/soon.
Nithepill:....Keep huging those Dunleavys....I can see where this marriage is heading./Not t'wards the VI's either.
Pops:....Quit chasing the UPS truck/aint you got a dog for that?-----get one!!
jsbial: If your sick;see a Dr.,and quit indulging in dreams of grandeur. You and tire guy joined at the hip?
Steven_kh......Single?, big house? tried the blindfolded with 6 girls(see blind listening thread) Happy with your speakers? ...You are going to have to chip in extra. Tooo many problems" If I could "juuuusssst"........ My Butt !!
Pcc:....Empty box fetish?? Practicing on "How to live on the street?" You may be just an amp and speakers away,but you know better than I.
Garfish:......You and Bob joined at the hip?? I mean how many cd players does it take? No that's not the begining of a "Polish" joke. Amps and power?;Ya been sticking your tongue in the receptical long?
Bob_ bundas:.....Joe Walsh? What were you doing in the early 70's? Didn't you mom tell you not to attach yourself to people like that? You must have done more "smoke" than him. With 3 rigs;your probably 1 rig short of an erector set.
Tireguy:...Your doll got a date for Fri.? Blowup dolls "AND" audio problems?I never said a thing;I'm sure you know a vented port has fewer complications...?
Cardinal:....Get your own doll!!Leave Tireguy alone!! & NO!!,he doesn't know what you mean.
Cornfedboy:....What's this compulsion with "software- hardware"? Gotta make up your mind/soon.Yes, all that "unopened" is a problem.We just don't like to use the "crazy" word around here.
Tireguy:...Again?....You may have a problem with one step/ don't lets get to many steps ahead of ourselves.
Briwire:...Yes;you can join in the group rate,if we can find somebody "crazy" enough to take us.(ssshhh)
Tireguy: again,again. Yes you are alone. You been watching to many movies like ET,Starman,Close Encounters,and the like.Beam this boy up,Scotti.
Elizabeth:....Visions of granduer;another one!!Get those big speakers soon,and a new pair of eyes. "life is short;eat your desert first".
Darrell:... "mmm" In addition to audio problems;wha'sup with the "ribons" and "different toys"?We may have to take you first.
Zootallures:.....Have you hugged yourB&Ws today?? Knock it off; get a life!! Yes, you can help yourself. Well maybe not but that's what we're here for.
Ohlala:....Kock it off with the "candy" references. This is an audio site!! Same with the "Exorcist" reference.
No_money:....Just admitting you have a problem is the first step/ wish I could say you were in good company. I've read all these posts; It just isn't so.Lets just say you have "lots" of company.
Sean:... Yes, you are alone...Are you home? And if that's "all" you can say/ lucky for us.
Gjrad:....Got a disease?? "kool" /don't you know what smoking does? How long before the place looks like a store?
Pcc:...Yes, there are a lot of women we don't know about;...Didn't yer mom tell you about them? Your post reads like an instruction book on " Choosing a wife""home auditions" "finding a speaker you can be happy with" "different amps with pre amps" the right speaker/or buy some you can be happy with?"Are we on the same page??For the group rate your share will be Xs 10. / Very ill.
Rhljazz:....Your coming out of the closet..This is a good thing /Oh, I reread,/ your stuff is in the closet.You should do the Green Mt.Diamantes more often.
avguygeorge:..... Got any friends left?? Not after this,I would suspect.
Mattman:.....How would any of us know what normal is? Just what is it you do with amps? With the prior references to blowup dolls / thats ok,you're among friends.
Tireguy:..... The instigatior!! "I like speakers?" "Drawn into looking"---"all the time?""Do I need help?".....If you have to ask; of course you do.....Nice ride! Dunlaps/ or Bridgestones?
Th, Th, Th,Thats all folks.Anyone who read all this; Bib,Big discount.
Thanks for the laugh George. It's good to see that i'm not the only one that posts "novels" here. Next time, try and let it ALL out. You'll feel much better and won't have to drive to the shrink's office until next week... : ) Sean
I do not have the dreaded disease that the rest of you are testifying about. However, my compassionate nature leads me to offer you a solution. So that you can rid yourself of the shame and guilt you feel, I will accept donations of equipment from your closets -- I will burden myself so that you can be free. Please, no junk or broken things. You will realize the benefits of this charitable program only if you send me quality, fully functional equipment with at least a 8/10 Agon rating. Imagine how good you will feel when you tell your significant other that you cleaned out your closets for the good of a charitable cause. However, I must divulge that your donations will not be tax deductible. That would only compromise your motives in renouncing your equipment fetish and, again, prevent you from enjoying the maximum level of benefits of this program. Best of luck to you all. E-mail me for details.
Jayboard:....You think we're all from Oklahoma,or sompen? That $100,000 I sent to Tammy Baker didn't help "me" much.You're shucking me ;right?? "Compassionate nature" ; my butt." "I do not have the dreaded disease " When you got it; it blocks your ability to see it .Get out of the closet /or take off the "rose" colored glasses!!!