Loudspeaker under 3000 new or used

Using BAT VK200 with BP25 (all solid state). Thank for the input.
You can get a pair of used Vandersteen 3A Signatures for about $2500-2600. I own a pair of these excellent full-range speakers, and think they are a bargain at their MSRP, and even more so at their used price.
In that price range, but with different equipment driving, I had very good luck with NHT, I bought 2.9 because 3.3 had to be played a bit too loud to sound great.
Certainly you'll not do any better than Sonus Faber Electa Amators in the mid to high $2k range used!(original versions,not version 2 current). These are bookshelf monitors. Although you wouldn't know it by the sound! Top to bottom, they are simply world class! They need a strong amp to drive properly(solid state only need apply) but will play the best 35hz-20khz you'll likely ever hear in this life time!!!...Class A stereophile rated
If you listen to jazz, vocals, and classical, the Silverline Sonatinas and Sonatas will sound truly wonderful. The old-style Sonatas can be found used for $2500+, and the old Sonatinas for $1700 or so. The midrange and highs are oh so sweet with the soft-dome midrange driver and tweeter.
Also, I would consider Talon Khites (I saw them used for $2600 a few weeks ago). Glorious midrange, delicate top end and very fast and dynamic bass. They can play very loud without a touch of strain.