Tube or solid state for Paradigm Studio 100 V2s

Ok I need some advice. I have the Paradigms coming shortly. The first thing that I am going to upgrade is the preamp/amp. I have been leaning towards a hybrid solution such as the Bryston 4B-ST and a tube preamp such a Rogue or Blue Circle. My room size is not super large (15x20 or so) and my music taste is varied. I love classical, opera and even some new age and pop. If I had to weigh having better mids and give up on the tighter bass of solid state amps I would pick the mids. I don't mind the bass being a little fatter or less defined. Can people please comment on using tube amps with these Paradigms. They are relatively efficient so it might be ok with 60-80 watts of tube. I am also curious about the VTL IT 85 as an integrated solution. Maybe I could add a second amp later for biamping these monstors. Thanks to all.....great forum.
I got the v.1 100s and have used them with a Carver amp, Marantz Mono Blocks, a few different recievers, and have settled down with the Anthem Amp 2 which is a hybrid amp (tube input stage). Of all the amps used, the Anthem is my favorite, followed closely with the Marantz Ma500s (bi-amped). It took a little getting used to going from ss to tube, but I am hooked on this Anthem Amp (SE model has been sold here for roughly $1K...a great deal IMO). In all my experience with the 100s, they DO need some juice to get them moving, no matter what the effeciency reads.

I think you'd love the tube sound with these speakers as tubes are best for mid/highs as is the 100s (especially the v.2). If you do indeed do tubes, trust me and get as much power as you can afford, or go with a hybrid solution which will give the best of both worlds (at least the Anthem gives the best of both IMO). The Paradigms sound like ass when not sufficiently powered.

Good luck with it.

I'm have the Studio 80s (I tried the 100s and prefer the 80s) & a Servo 15 sub and I'm using a Rogue Audio 99 Magnum Preamp with 2 Odyssey Audio Stratos amps in a bi-amp configuration. I am very happy with the sound. I was using a single Odyssey Audio Stratos but got a deal on the second one I could not pass up. I think you'd be very please with the Rogue/Odyssey combo. You could even go with the Rogue 66 Magnum with good results if the 99 Magnum isn't in your budget. I auditioned a 66 Magnum and was pleased with the performance but wanted both a phono stage and a remote controlled volume and the 66 cannot support's one or the other. Good luck and good listening.
I've never had the 100's, but have had a host of others in the paradigm line. I had an anthem pre amp biamping with parasounds amps. It sounded good, but not as good as the anthem integrated I tried. My guess is you would be very happy with a combo such as the anthem pre 2L biamped with MCA2's. Your room seems a little on the small size for such a large speaker, so I'm guessing you'll want really loud sound, otherwise you would have chosen the 60's? I'm sure the 100's will do just fine with 60-80 watts, but don't be afraid to give them 200 wpc or even more.
To answer your question, Brucelk, I have the Moon Titan and the Bryston SP-1. I used to have the Moon W-3 which is a fine amp but the Titan has just what the doctor ordered for the Paradigms.
Thanks to all for the response and equipment suggestions. I will try listening to both the Bryston and a tube amp with the Paradigms to see what works best. Any comments on the Music Referance RM-9? It is a more powerfull EL34 equipped amp (80-100 watts)and I can probably get one used fairly easily. I know Roger Modjeski and trust his designs for reliability but his amps may be a little analytical sounding. The room is a little bright already and the last thing I want is a really hot/sizzling high end. The room sounds a little small I know but at times I like things fairly loud and the room is open at both ends to the rest of the house so I think the Paradigms will be fine. I'll keep the forum posted on my adventures.