To REWIRE or LET BE: a speakers question

After asking around & getting conflicting advice, here I am again soliciting you, a-goners who have given me the BEST advice to-date to all my quests.
Should I change the internal wiring of my Gen Vs or will this upset the speakers sound balance / tuning?
The local dealer was all for it("sure, I'LL do it for you, have the right cables, too..."), the manufacturer hasn't answered (yet?), people around me say: forget it, you'll blow the tuning.

Apart from the sonic "danger", each speaker has 8 units, so the investment in wire & labour is considerable...

Has anyone tried this, or have an opinion? Thanks in advance!
I say leave them alone. On any high end speaker, you must assume that the designer spent considerable time choosing each component, including wires, to optimize the sound of the speaker as a whole. The only way you will know if changing the wiring will improve or degrade the sound is to try it. It will be an expensive experiment if it fails and you have to reverse it. Spend your money upgrading something else or go buy some recordings.
I know someone who did it to his own speakers. He used to work in the industry. I think they were a basic two-way design, so it took not a lot of work. He said it was a night and day difference. The speakers became ultra transparent. I don't see how it could affect the timing or tuning so long as you used the same length and gauge wiring as before, just a better quality. I don't know if I could recommend it because I wouldn't do it to my own speakers, but I do believe if properly done it would sound better. Let us know what happens--and save your old wiring just in case.
I posted this very question in regards to rewiring my amp a while back. I have since purchased a pair of Acoustic Energy ae2s with a Cardas rewire and found them to be wonderful. While I agree there is danger in doing what your are doing by undoing what the designer intended, there is another side of the coin in that unless your speakers are of a "cost no object" design, several factors, sound included went into parts choice. Cost, the best pricing, what was avaialable in the qantities needed are other factors, therefore, the "best" may not have been used. Im of the belief that if well known sonic type wire is used, ie Cardas, Kimber, XLO, you cant go wrong. You'll find these brands in the more expensive loudspeakers out there. Good luck.
I would contact the manufacturer rather than the dealer. Some speakers take into account the resistance of the wire and that is part of the circuit. By changing the wire you change the circuit design and could have disasterous results--or in some cases it could get much better--the point is it's unpredictable. A speaker like the Gen V most likely has taken this into account, so I would be very cautious. Certainly contact them, they can probably tell you if there are certain wires that are critical to the design, and others might benefit from using just the best possible wire available.