Novice Bi-wire confusion

Bare with me, this is new ground. I purchased a pair of speakers that are "bi-wired". Meaning I have 4 post in the back. Obviously 2 for the tweeter, two for the woofer. I have read many threads on this subject and want to know what is the best way of connecting these post. Is it, buying a cable that attaches to all 4 post or a regular cable connected to 2 post, then use a "jumper" from those 2 to the other 2. If jumpers are the way to go, should it be cables or those metal connectors? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
There have been a few threads on this recently. It's not as easy a decision as it would appear to be. Usually, biwiring (separate wire for treble and for woofer) for each speaker will yield the best sound. However, some A-goners have found that the same money spent on a good single wire with jumpers (connected at the connectors, not the cable) was the best sound. Still another found that the stock jumper was better than the more expensive after market jumper. It definitely depends on the speaker--some have biwire just for marketing reasons. I can say from experience that Martin Logan speakers do benefit greatly from biwiring. You should post the speakers and amp so that we can provide you with better information.
Using a single wire and jumpers is not Bi-Wiring. For BiWiring the wires are separate all the way from the amp to the speaker posts. For the most part whether you buy BiWire cables or two pairs of single wires it does not matter much. Some integrated amplifiers also have two sets of posts (4) for Bi-Wiring two single pairs (not to be confused with 4 posts for speakers A and B).
Some might criticize my thinking, but I always plan for the long term. Maybe trading off on the intial path to ultimately get to the best destination in the cheapest, fastest way. My recommendation is to initially buy the best full range cable you can afford that mates well to your system/tastes. Use a 10 or 12 gauge silver wire(only about $10 to do both speakers) to jump to the other set of binding posts(I would probably jumper to the tweeter in this case). Then, when you have enough money for a good full range cable to the tweeter, go with a double biwire set up. I use a double biwire setup in my system to very good effect. By the way, your Bedini 25/25 is one heck of a sleeper solid state amp.
The advice from Trelja, is by far the best way to go. You will have a much better sound than Bi-wiring with economical wires, and in the future you will have the best sound possible. The silver jumpers, I love it. Bravo.