Congested sound, new speakers?

Hello out there,

I hope I can use your collective insight, wisdom, and experience to help me out. I am currently running a system comprised of a modified Pioneer DV-525 running into a Z-Systems RDP-1 digital preamp/EQ, then into a Camelot Uther V2 MkIII DAC, directly into a Bel Canto EVO 200.2, powering Thiel CS1.5 speakers, all strung together with DH Labs wire (D-110 digital, BL-1 II balanced interconnects, and Q-10 speaker wire).

My tastes in music have changed over time and I find myself listening less to modestly dynamic, all acoustic music (folk, jazz, solo classical) and more to music with electric instrumentation (fusion, jambands, progressive rock)with sustained high dynamics. While very good with the acoustic material, my system sounds a bit congested and confused with the more complex material. I suspect that it is the small Thiels, but I would like your opinion on different speaker options, considering my shift in listening material. I haven't been speaker shopping for awhile and work has kept me too busy to read much of the audio journals. What do you think? New speakers worth investigating? I am sure I could use some proper room treatment as well, but that is an area that I am not particularly familiar with. Any and all suggestions and advice would be appreciated; I just need to get a handle on some reasonable options! Thanks in advance. . .
stereojen, I feel your pain. My present listening arrangement involves a similar nonoptimal 'near field' situation. Glad for you the option of a move is available. I will need a wrecking ball to solve my problem. I too have found those thiels to perform the way you say they do. Nice little speakers until you try to give them a some gas, then they can fall apart. Mostly at higher listening levels though.

Sounds like you want to do some rockin. Hard to say without knowing more about things like budget, but my PSB silver's would do it. They are not for everybody, but IMO are a great value, comparing favorably to many speakers costing much more. You could drive these easily with your amp, and they don't look too bad either. These would also work well in the new bigger room. Good on both heavy stuff and for the lighter detail work.

There's about a billion other speakers that would perform well to your needs. The PSB's are just what I have chosen until I can afford that $multi-k set of aerials I been wantin. Check out the stratus line at

Hope it helps.
your problem may be caused by a myriad of variables, the most simple being the source material. have you ever heard the discs you describe playing through your system as "congested" sound righteous on another system? if so, what was it that was different between that system and yours? why do you suspect your speakers and not your electronics or frontend? the fact is that many systems play acoustic/jazz/small ensemble pieces well but fall flat with more complex, well-recorded symphonic or rock software. indeed, to get it all generally requires the best of all components. ("best" does not necessarily="most expensive.") sad but, IMO at least, true. -kelly
try the following before making any other changes. if you have never tried these aftermarket devices, i think you are in for a very enjoyable surprise. any device is hit or miss and system dependent. you won't know what is right for you until you try it. anti resonant devices under components like polycrystal or black diamond racing etc. speaker cones like polycrystal etc. ac power cables, like jps or bmi virtue etc. power conditioners like api or ps audio etc. all will make a change, it's up to you to decide what you like. it will be worth the effort and $.
good hunting!!

Apparently, Stereojen, from the change in your tastes in music, you are growing younger. How the heck are you doing that?

Not exactly. I was raised in a household with only "proper" music and had been a jazz and classical snob until my mid 20s. Since I've opened up my perspective a little, I found all of these interesting records, some of which *gasp* were performed on electric instruments!!! Thanks everyone for your advice and insight. I now have a great many avenues to explore. I am not sure about the speaker search; there is obviously a lot more I can do and will do in the new room. I have actually been thinking about trying the Magnepan 1.6. I know I would have problems with them in my current tiny room, but hopefully my bigger room will be more accomodating. Thanks again. Keep the ideas coming, if you have them!!!