Harbeth HL C7 ES

Hello guys

Anyone knows these speakers?
I bought them two months ago and I found them as very interesting speakers.
Now I'm driving 'em with solid state Odyssey Stratos and I like this combo but it would be nice to know is someone tried them tubeized since I never listened with good tube amps.
Hello Curio,

Yes, they are incredible with the right tube amps as well. Recently, I have been running my Harbeths with a friends David Berning ZH-270 otl (70W @ 8ohm) and the combination is stunning. As you know though the Harbeth C7's are not suited for use with the low powered single-ended crowd.

In my experience with the Harbeths, they will expose any strengths or weeknesses within the chain. They certainly do not forgive lesser components nor mask the characteristics of any equipment I have used. To me, they simply are the truth and that is one very strong reason why I love them so much. Good listening to you.

Chris, your responsive comments are correct, of course. They sound great with tube amps but need a significant amount of power to do their best.

But, although they are revealing, they are forgiving of subntractive weaknesses. They sound nice with just about any decently engineered amp or cdp from the most inexpensive budget components on up. They just sound better with better. Now, if there are any additive anomalies or glaring weaknesses in the chain, they'll certainly let you know about them.
I've just ordered a pair and they should arrive next week. I don't have tube equipment, but I'll pass on my thoughts. I run a Marsh 400 amp, Monarchy 22C DAC/Pre and Classe transport. Does anyone have any thoughts on cables? I currenty use Nordost Flatline Gold bi-wire.
Thoughts on cables? Risky question hereabouts. Maybe we'll get away with though. The dealer from whom I bought my C7's a few years ago, Signals in the UK (email order sound unheard) carries Nordost cables, but was not enthusiastic about the combination of the Flatline Gold and the C7's. He recommended the Blue Heaven as a better match. I use something completely different, AQ Crystal 2 (or +, I forget) as I think I prefer a somewhat softer presentation than I understand you get from the Blue Heaven. It may just be a matter of taste and your cables might suit your ears just fine.

Now, and here's where I expose myself; the Harbeth speakers are very revealing in the midrange, really astonishingly clear, and very neutral on top. To me, therefore, they are very revealing of really subtle differences in cables. You can drive yourself nuts trying out a bunch of different cables. If they sound good to you with what you have, leave well enough alone.