Whatever Happened to Snell?

I had a number of Snell speakers, Type E, Type K come to mind. I really loved the old Snell sound in the '80s. They played with great impact and the mids and highs were awesome as I recall. I used to blow speakers all the time in my youth but could never hurt a Snell. I know Snell is still around, what do people think of the "new" Snell? I looked at the website and it looks like HT is the emphasis now? I guess I just want to see what everyone thinks, have they sold out or is their stuff still good.... I'd check myself except I can't find a dealer anywhere who carries the stuff.
I also have a pair of C5's which I love. I now have their new center channel speaker (XA55), which is part of their new line that has powered subs. The speaker has just burned in, and I'm pretty happy with it. South Park (great name), their website has a very user-friendly listing of dealers in each state. The speakers are actually manufactered in Haverhill, MA, which is about 10 miles from where I live. They won't sell direct though, I had to get a dealer to get the speaker from them (B-stock), and then ship it to me! Their tech support is very helpful though (# on webiste www.snellacoustics.com).

The person who had been designing Snell's recently, who I believe did the C5's, is now working at Revel. Forget his name.
I have two pair of older Snell monitors that I use in office systems, and am very pleased with them. Speakers are still being produced using the Snell name, although the models that Snell was best known for are no longer made. I recently listened to their large powered floor speaker MSRP around $8000) and the tri-pole surround speaker (MSRP about $1500), and was quite impressed by both.
Yep. Boston Acoustics is now the proud owner of Snell. I have no idea what that will mean in terms of product quality...