Hales owners discussion

We may have lost Mr. Hales to professional audio and the factory to history, but these are still fine speakers. I'm curious how others have their's setup, what tweaks they've found that offer improvements to the sound, etc.

Currently my Revelation Threes are ~3.5' from the front wall and 4.5' from the side walls. This is in a volumetrically large space (330 sq. ft.; volume unknown). Setup in a smaller, rectangular room (215 sq. ft.) they were 4.5' from the front and 3.5' from the sides. Straight Cardas method.

On a raised floor they were better without spikes; on a concrete slab the spikes are a must.

Mine are also toe'd in very little. Maybe 20 degrees. I listen in nearfield, btw. Now they're 7' feet apart and 5 feet from the listener. Before it was a 6' triangle.

Anyone tried anything radically different that worked? Mass loading, cones, etc.?

Oh, for reference my system is SF Line 1, McCormack DNA-1, CAL ALpha/Delta for CD, AP Oval 9, HT ProSilways and Illuminati D-60, plus various cones, weights, etc. What others are feeding their Hales with would also be of interest. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
I've got a pair of T5's also and I think they are sounding quite good. I've recently started tweaking my system with some very positve results. My Hales have 3" cones under them(one brass in front and two stainless steel in back)and that made a positive improvement in all around performance. My room is 13'X 18' and the ceiling is 9' high. I have the speakers perfectly symetrical to each other in the room. The speakers are 6' from the front wall and 3.5' from the side walls. I am using a Pass X250 amp which should be enough power. The only complaint I have is that I'm not getting a good 40Hz to 50Hz bass response. The 40 to 50 Hz is there but not nearly as good or loud as all the other frequencies I can measure. I'm using room treatment on the side walls(foam made for audio) and I'm using pillows in all corners which has helped the sound but I'm not really getting a strong 50Hz and I'm barely getting 40 Hz but I'm getting a strong 30 Hz. Since I've treated my room my sound is way better. I don't miss the reflections I didn't even know I had until I removed them.
My speakers are 88" apart(center to center of speakers) and my listening position is about 100" from the speakers. I have treated the front wall and as well. I pinned a cotton bed sheet folded over a few times to the back wall and I find this helps. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
I've recently upgraded/modded the crossovers of my T5's with really good results. I have a new bigger better Hales without having to go through the hastle of selling my old Hales. I just modded them and they are completely different but in a good way. They are bigger sounding and now with 300 or so hours play they're really starting to open up. It wasn't inexpensive costing $800 just for parts but it was worth it to get the new sound. Crossover mods can be exciting but negative results have been know to happen. It's a bit of a gamble.
Replacing the stock tweeters with the Seas Millenium tweeter gives the speaker a whole new sound. I always liked my T5's but now they are a different speaker. It's a good thing that I like the sound as I think they would be almost impossible to sell with all the modifications I have done to them.
If they sound better, why would they be harder to sell? You say the Seas Millinium tweeter gives it a whole new sound. Can you elaborate - old sound versus new.
Dawgbyte, It would be easier to sell a pair of Hales stock than it would with all kinds of modifications as people know what they are getting when they buy stock items as opposed to a speaker that has been modified. Although I put alot of money into my speakers they would be harder to sell. That being said I wouldn't want to sale my Hales as I really like the new sound. The Seas Millenium tweeter have added a fuller,softer yet still very detailed sound. My speakers sound "bigger" now. With the new tweeters the music is easier to listen to for long periods of time. In fact my wife sometimes has to drag me out of the listening room complaining that I've been their all day.
The Hales with the origional tweeters were very good and I enjoyed them for years. The old tweeters were very detailed being an alluminum dome. They were almost harsh at times but they were still really nice sounding. With my new tweeters the entire sound of the speaker has changed. Even bass is fuller and the mids are even smoother. The new tweeters took the edge off without sacrificing detail. My speakers are "fuller" sounding. The ctrossover mods have alot to do with the new sound as well. I think I got lucky because I really could have ruined my speakers with all that I have done. It was a risk.