Loudspeakers played LOUD

I listen half the time to really loud music. I chose the Dunlavy V for this reason. They are very accurate and can handle high volume. Are there any better?
How are the Dunlavy V's on bass? I've seen various comments that Dunlavy speakers are limited in low bass. Comments?
The V's have room shaking tight and accurate bass. The IV's were a bit thin in that area. I've read where the Legacy line excels at high levels. Any thoughts?
Let me add to Snook2 comments : accurate means both 'tonal' and phase correct. If acaustic bass or drum is located at certain location (left to right and depth), V's reproduce it accurately. In other words very flat to 20hz in room.
You are correct in your assesment about Legacy speakers. When it comes to loud, very few speakers can touch these at their same price point, especially if you buy them used. Unfortuntely, Legacys are no where near as refined, or as transparent, as the Dunlavys, etc. Legacys are a no brainer if you want a taste of high end, with "loud" included, if you are on a budget. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get loud and refined, at a realistic price, from one speaker manufacturer?
Ehider, buying a speaker like that was once upon a time possible. Then Hales Design Group went under. Their Revelation 3 (and to a large degree the Revelation 2) fit the "loud and refined, at a realistic price, from one speaker manufacturer" description well. Admittedly, it could use a hair more refinement, but considering the retail price point (>$2,200) they're *very* smooth and adequate volume is never an issue.

To improve the "refinement factor" I've considered swapping the metal tweeter for silk. The stock unit is a Vifa, so it shouldn't be hard to match. Maybe when I grow tired of the current configuration. Or is that if...?