Help with imaging

Hope you guys can help me with an extremely annoying problem I'm having. I'm very happy with my Soliloquy 5.3s but seem to have a hard time with vocals or instruments that should be centered...they seem to want to exist to the right of center. I can somewhat correct this by toeing in the right speaker more than the left(I tend to toe speakers in toward the listening spot), but this seems more like a bandaid than a real fix and doesn't fully correct the problem. Moving the right speaker back doesn't seem to help either. Here's the wierd part. When I switch the speakers I still get the same result. I would have expected the center image to shift to the left, but it still skews to the right. I've recently had other speakers in my system and don't have this problem, so I don't think it's the electronics. Also, this happens regardless of what room the speakers are in, so it doesn't appear to be just a room thing, and I've tried different cables as well to no avail.

This is driving me nuts, so I hope you guys have some thoughts or insights and your help is GREATLY appreciated.

Maybe the right speaker output is more than the left. I'd call Soliloquy and ask them about it and see if they could test the output of each speaker in their facility or maybe a Radio Shack spl meter will tell you. Hope I've been of some help.
Since switching the speakers doesn't change the skewed imaging, I'd guess that it may be environmental - i.e. bare wall on one side and sofa/absorving material on the other side. I've had the same problem and, by playing with the balance control of my pre/pro I was able to centre the image.
Uncanny, as presented! Do you get this at all volume levels? Since U have switched speakers with identical results, it shouldn't come from the Sol's. Have U checked the right speaker's mid/tweaters' 1st reflection point vs the left? (but then, you've tried another room...) Anyway, if not, try dampening both reflection points identically -- try anything for starters (pillows... any absorbant matl).
Also, check out 1st reflection points on the ceiling. Finally, you may have one channel stronger than the other across the volume range -- or a phase inversion on one channel (unlikely).(but, again, you've tried other speakers).
Good luck!