Revel M20 vs.B W 805 vs.Dynaudio 1.3SE

Has anyone compared these speakers? I'm looking to buy small, high-quality loudspeakers to use with subs in a HT and music system. I've heard the M20s and thought they were a bit forward, and I'm not sure the B&Ws play loud enough or are capable of large scale dynamics, even with subs. Haven't heard the Dynaudio Contour 1.3 SEs. Any opinions?
Hmmm...why not get the Revel F30 and forget the sub? Clearly the best midrange of the group, and prodigious bass for the
money (<$3k discounted)... and they cohere pretty well in the nearfield, too. A lot of speaker for the dough. Good luck.
No, the Dynaudio has the best midrange and top end and I have combined it with the Velodyne HGS-15 and it is awesome. I chose this combination over the Contour 3.3 and the Confidence 3. ( And many other speakers ) The 1.3 Se is the best sounding Contour in the line up. The Revel is good too but I am partial to the Dynaudio's slightly more analytical sound. I could be happy with any of these speakers. But I have already stated my stand on the A/V choices. Dale
Thanks to everyone who responded--you've given me food for thought. Subaruguru, I've given the Revel F30 some consideration. The Revel dealer near me in Chicago only has the M20 on display right now, so I haven't auditioned the F30. However, I'm moving into a small space and am concerned about positioning a large floorstander--not to mention that such a speaker tends to dominate visually in a small room.(The girlfriend unfortunately has some input here.)

I've got Linn 5140s right now, which I think are a good value for full-range speakers, but I need to downsize a bit. Also, I'd like speakers that are a little faster and more articulate, which leads me to mini-monitors. They just seem to have more detail and their sound tends to float, whereas as the sound of a large floorstander seems anchored to the floor. However, it's really hard for me to give up the bass. Very hard. I heard the B&W 805s with the admittedly small B&W 2500 sub, and I was a bit underwhelmed, although I was impressed with the impact of bass transients for such a small set-up.