B W 800N

I just received notification that B&W is about to release the 800N (not an 801). It looks like an 802 with larger woofers. Aesthetically it is better looking than the 801N, as it is not as "tubby".
I own the 800's (now actively bi-amped) and would love to know more about this new speaker. If anyone out there knows more, please post it here.
Yes, it's gonna retail for around $15k. Yeah, it has 10" woofers comparing to 8" for the 802s which I own... I love the 802s
Check out these pics, too! Aren't they gorgeous!http://shows.soundstagelive.com/shows/avtour2001/frk_showstop_01.shtml
just the look is like others nautilus,inside is completly different.bw poeple says that its the best speakers ever made by them.