Room Acoustics

Suggestions for this annoying problem appreciated.I get an annoying room resonance in the low mid bass that just excites the hell out of the room in spite of speaker placement, different amps, and corner treatments( 4 corners with ASC super 16's to the ceiling), curtains over sidewall windows etc. Speakers are Eidolons, room is 15wX22dX9h. Short shag carpet, speakers on apex couplers. Sound is 99% stunning with that occasional Dave Holland bass note that just won't quit. I think it's possibly the floor, pier and beam over a finished rec room in basement. I'm considering putting the Edolons on granite and maybe having someone professionally check the room acoustics. Is this related in any way to the downfiring port of the Eidolon?. Thoughts appreciated including any suggestions as to someone coming out to test the room. Thanx in advance.
I have a pair of eidolons and the ascents before them and I have found them difficult to position so they are at their best for bass extension. That is not quite what you are referring to but I have found peace of mine by using a sigtech for the same amount of money and significantly better WAF than the tube traps. Before you really consider getting rid of the speakers why not try a Tact or some other such system. Tact has a 3 week trial period with money back.
The only negative of the sigtech is that it ruined alot of my tinkering that I kind of enjoy doing. On the other hand I think I enjoy listening more now.

80 to 90 Hz is your floor to ceiling dimension. You already have carpet, but it might not be the best for absorbing these waves. While I stated that active EQ might be the way to go (I had to do it), it's always good to try to do as much as possible without active EQ. As another poster said--make sure everything else is right first. If the short shag carpet is not very dense, it might not be absorbing the bass waves. You may consider replacing it with denser natural fiber carpet. (probably cheaper than another pair of ASC bass traps).