Best speaker in nearfield listening

I have heard that Audio Physic is great in the nearfield listening position. I sit six to seven feet from the speaker. My budget is up to 5K used. I really want to make this work in a very close listening environment.
Along with the above choices I think you are on target with the Audio Physics speakers. The Virgos would fit easily into your price range.
Thanks for all the greta suggestions.

I have never heard the Harbeth's but would love to. How would you charcterize their sound? I like a detailed open sounding speaker. I have had e-stats previously and have valued these virtues.


The Refernce 3A is another speaker that is getting raves. These are larger than the MM De Capo??


I heard the Audio Physic's at the NY show, they sounded very good. Also liked Joseph Audio and Triangle.. a very energetic speaker.
'rino at prosound has a pair of sonus faber extremas f/s in yer price-range, w/stands; dunno how they'd do in the nearfield, tho...
Hiflyer, the Harbeths are often compared to electrostatics in their midrange clarity. More dynamic with sufficient power. The AP Virgos would also be a great choice, one you might prefer if imaging and soundstaging are paramount. Only thing is, I think they are kind of deep and you'll need to have them pretty far out into the room.