Custom jumpers?

Are the stock gold jumpers for Bi-wirable speakers any good? I was wondering if short runs of high quality speaker wire between the posts would be better? Of course there is the possibility that I'm a complete weenie who thinks about this stuff too much and I should just not worry about this kind of crap!!!
If you haven't tried it, you might hook up your cables to the top posts and let your existing jumpers carry the signal to the woofers. That way, any degredation of the signal due to the jumpers will only affect the woofers. Imaging, detail, etc. will be less affected.
Analysis Plus makes good jumpers with bananas that are easy to use with spaded speaker wire. Oliver has them at I have three pair in different systems and instantly noticed the improvement.
Allways use a piece of you speaker wire.Use the same cable so it does not change the sonic signiture of the cable.
IMO: Dekay, Hrcapers, Khaki8, and Leafs each gave correct information. I have tried them and you should too. Select the method that sounds best on your system :-) !
I would give DIY jumpers a try. If you can use the same speaker wire as your long runs try that first.