What is your opinion regarding electrostatics?

I am planning to purchase a pair of FINAL o.3 ESL/hybrids (made in the Netherlands). Surprisingly, these speakers did not make a review in any major audio U.S. publication, I wonder why....
Has anyone had the opportunity to listen to the Final's?
Power amp: parasound hc-3500 / Preamp by Placette
Musical tastes: jazz/blues/rock & french pop
Actually, for the same amount of money as a 0.3(less actually), you could score a mint pair of Apogee Duetta Signature full range ribbons with an electronic x-over. Stunning looks, stunning speed, stunning bass and stunning soundstage. And they are not all THAT hard to set up. Just a thought.
I have owned Quads 989 and Martin Logan Quest Z, Aerius (still do), SL 3, And Odyssey (still do). I have also owned Legacy Whispers, Watt Puppy 3/2, Apogee Slant 6, Eggleston Andras. Nothing brings it across like the electrostats. Go for it and do not look back - look forward to trading upwards in the line later. I also had a pair of Magnepans which I liked - look into the Monsoon line - a friend has the 1600 and they sound really great. Best I have heard for the money 1800 a pair.

if you are looking for electrostatics -- please check out the monsoons before you make a final purchase ...

teh 1000 and the 1600 's are superb .....and as ljgj said best value for the money >>>>
If you have your heart set on E-stats then buy Martin Logan Asecnts. I have had Aerius i, SL3 and the ascents and the ascents are by far the most dynamic thing martin logan has ever put out. ( in that size) I just sold my Asents because I one day s I was listening I decided there was something about e-stats I didnt like. So I put them on the net and bought a pair of B&W N803 and now Iam very happy. They are much more dynamic and tonal accurate. They arent as large sounding as the ascents where but they are great. Also the Ascents had awesome mids not that the 803s dont but the panel really invites you in. So in saying that I would tell you dont buy unless you listen on your equipment. For a box speaker the b&ws are really open and airy. Give a listen and youll see
If you think altec horn is colored, may be you haven't hear a pair of good one yet. Be openminded. Different types of speakers have their share of strength and weakness. The best way to choose your speaker type is to match it with your own music taste. Failing to get the first step right, nothing else matter.