What is your opinion regarding electrostatics?

I am planning to purchase a pair of FINAL o.3 ESL/hybrids (made in the Netherlands). Surprisingly, these speakers did not make a review in any major audio U.S. publication, I wonder why....
Has anyone had the opportunity to listen to the Final's?
Power amp: parasound hc-3500 / Preamp by Placette
Musical tastes: jazz/blues/rock & french pop
This brings up a question for me (I started the "need wisdom comparing planars" thread)...has anyone tried using two pairs of Maggie 1.6's in the "wall of planars" configuration alluded to? Is this a "poor man's" Mag Tympani?

Or are there better roads to the same end?
Now Frap, that is truly fascinating! I did not know about Aikman nor do I read the the mag you mention. Thanks for putting me one to this. Just goes to show, if you experiment with an "open mind".......just another word for "fools paradise" (-; ...you sometimes get interesting results!
Tim, I don't know, never tried it with Maggies. However using Quads etc, it only really worked, if each pair of speakers has its own amplification, that is, you would have to use either four monos, or two stereo-amps, one per side. Quads, like most stats are not an easy load for an amplifier and hence running two, even on fairly powerful amps, was not a good solution.(I do cascade two specially modified Stax F 91s however, but they run on the Spectral 360, which seem quite unperturbed by this load.) So to really get an advantage out of this kind of setup ( better dynamics, much better SPL ) it soon gets quite complicated and costly. Just think of the extra cabling it takes. Put Perhaps the Maggies are easier to drive. I'd surely try it out, if you have the necessary hardware at hand.
Regards, Detlof
Several thoughts, my system uses Crosby Quad 63's and Entec LF40's. After many years of moving the Quads around my 19' by 29' room, they are currently sitting a little more than 8' from the back wall and about 4' from the side walls, toed in toward the listening position. Demian Martin of Entec has visited my home two times and he feels strongly that any dipile should be a minimum of 8' out from the real wall to insure enough time lag between the direct sound and the first reflection so that the ear does not confuse them, otherwise imaging will suffer. I guess that the same result could be accomplished by attenuating the back wave with damping mayerial; however, in my room that seems to suck the life out of the sound. After much experimentation, I have ended up with two 8" diffusors centered on the wall behind the speakers and a single custom 16" deep diffusor in each corner of the room. I also use 5 of the Argent Room lenses and two custom 16' resonators in the corners behind my listening position.

Even with the subs the Quads do not play at really loud levels, but up to f, they are great at differentiating dynamics. This is particularly true from p to ppp.

I found it particularly difficult to seemlessly mate a sub with the Quads, but am reasonably pleased with the latest Entecs which incorporate less motional feedback than their predecessors (yes, the subs still sometimes outpace the dynamics of the Quads).

Last, the outboard crossover that came with the Entecs was horrible and colored the sound of the Quads. At present I use a teflon cap at the input of my amp and a separate attenuator that is in series only with the subs to set levels.
Hi Fcrowder, your findings go parallel with my experimenting and I also found, that the Quads should be moved well into the room for a good compromise between holographic imaging and ambience retrieval. I have record shelves with LPs on my back wall from the floor to the ceiling and they do very well as difusors. On the side walls I have those made by Gryphon in Denmark at the critical points of reflection. I also found the external crossovers of the E. sadly lacking and hence never used their highpass side. Seamlessly blending subs with stators is an absolute pain, especially in my configuration. It took me about a year and a pair of old Maggie bass panels, as well as cutting my subs off at the lowest possible frequency and lots of moving around and quite a bit of room treatment, until I was (more or less) happy.
I've never experienced however, that my subs were faster than my stators. But then I never cranked my subs volume up very high. It was the contrary which practically drove me nuts and forced me to try unusal ways, like blending in the the Maggies between the stators and the subs.
Sorry i left you hanging on some questions / statements folks. As to why i'm opting for e-stat's for the tweeters, let's just say i ran across a great deal on a good quantity of small electrostatic tweeter panels made by RTR. While i think that they will work well enough, i can always throw something in their place if need be. I have always wanted to "play around with" some plasma tweeters though and have a very good source for some Ionovac's that are still sealed in their original boxes.

As to mid's and upper bass, i will probably use some large e-stat panels. Possibly something equivalent or similar to stacked Quads. I'm working on that situation now.

I have NO idea what i'm going to do for subs at this point in time. One thing is for sure though, they will be sealed or transmission lines and make use of multiple drivers.

I recently stumbled across ( quite literally ) some very unique RTR subs that were supposedly quite fast and musical in their day, but they are in need of MAJOR work.

I've got the amps that i intend to use along with the preamp and electronic crossover. I'll be tri-amping with mono-blocks, so it should be pretty interesting when all is said and done. Regardless of what i use for speakers or raw drivers, i will have enough power on hand to drive whatever i want. I am a BIG fan of "horsepower" so long as it is "clean". I just have to work on all of the rest of the details now and find some place to put it when it's all done : ) Sean