Best match with Proac Response Series


I recently bougth Proac Response 2.5. I'd like to know from experienced listeners which electronics best match with those speakers.

I just auditoned an Audio Electronics Super Amp Sig. DJH edition with my 2.5s and it makes great music. Proper extension at the freq. extremes, wonderful soundstaging, and lots of natural instrumental color. In my opinion, a terrific amp for $2,000.00. Lots of tubes rolling options with this DJH version, also. Not a lot of power and drive, though, watch out for large rooms.
I have 2.5s and am currently playing with 3 different amps: CJ11a, Pass Aleph 3, and Pass X-150. You know what? The 2.5s sound wonderful with all of them. I wonder if it's possible to get this terrific speaker to *not* make music with any decent amp. But after reading this thread, I think I'd better try out something from ARC.
i've heard stellar results from proacs w/electrocompaniet, alchemist, & lo-power asl amps. as well as good sound at stores w/amps beyond my recollection. drubin, yure rite - hard to imagine getting *bad* sound outta proacs... but, i unnerstand yer quandary... ;~)

doug s.

Thank you very much guys for your responses.
I finally bought the Audio Research Integreted CA 50.

Dominic Pare (Quebec)