Pet Stories

Thought I'd share a pet story with you.Just recently I puchased some new speakers of which I am very proud of (B&W Nautilus 802's/803's/HTM-1/Velodyne HGS-15 sub). Anyway, after placing them around the living room, much to my dismay I started noticing some stain marks on the lower parts of the grilles. Suspecting the culprit was our six year old miniature pinscher, sure enough I caught him in the act of lifting his leg and relieving himself on one of my beautiful new speakers. After a sound flogging of his posterior I purchased some repellent and sprayed it on them ( it turned out to be an attractant ). Well,after threatening to either have him castrated or hang a clothes pin on him, my wife, who was beside herself defending her poor little darling, found a denim diaper with velcro tabs at the local pet store which she fitted him with and it works great ! It's kinda funny though to see him running around the house in a jock strap (guests get a real kick out of it). Anybody else got any pet stories they want to share ?
My pet elephant isn't allowed in the house so he doesn't mess with the system, his name is tiny:-)
Bmpnyc- My wife and I had a German Shorthair. He used to spend evenings when I was working cuddled up w/my wife on the couch. Then we wanted a new Leather couch. He had long nails and my wife said "he stays off the couch". I said Good Luck. Well he got up on there one time, and my wife gave him the evil and a shout and he NEVER went up there again. This after 2 years of being allowed on all of the LR furniture. He did get a few hairs in the grill of my 2cis (don't anyone believe that short haired dogs don't shed) which it was hell to get out. Now he's been gone for a year (had to put him down at 13.5 yrs) and the other day I went looking on the grills to finally remove the last of the hairs; I actually was a little said that I couldn't find a hair.
I had just received a shipment of VTL monoblocs that I purchased through this site when I noticed a funny smell in the living room where I keep my equipment. I had the tops off the VTLs and was checking the bias of the tubes, but everytime I bent down over them I got a funny whiff of an offending odor. I checked the rug, an old oriental one, but it smelled fine. I checked my socks, but though they were offensive, it wasn't the same odor or degree. I bent over the VTLs and sniffed them thinking, "great, I just bought used amps that someone has taken a leak in." As a last resort I called my wife into the room. She came in and stood next to one of my B&W speakers and a large potted tree and started sniffing around. I walked up to her and it was then that the culprit was revealed. I couldn't say a word, all I could do was point into the tree's pot. There, sitting amoung the ferns, was a large piece of juicy cat scat. My wife screamed, and grabbed the pot to take it outside. Of our two cats the older, of course nicer one, had taken to relieving himself in our living room. My wife worked continuously for three months trying everything to right our twisted cat. My favorite trick she tried was putting aluminum foil over the whole living room. It really accentuated the snares. To no avail the cat continued. The vet was flabbergasted and had no further suggestions. The cat, which had been a model cat even by my standards, (the best cat is someone elses) had by this time stopped eating normally and was not playing with our other ferocious cat. My wife decided that her job description was not "cat feces cleaner" and had the Vet put fluffy to sleep. Unfortunately the cat came back!!! Not really. The vet had this $200 dollar deal where she would cremate the cat and put it in a snazzy cedar box and give you a nice picture frame with a comforting saying on it and a place for a picture of your beloved. My wife declined, but they screwed up and did it anyway so they gave us the ashes for free. My wife and I were so tickled we put the ashes and a picture of the cat on the fireplace directly over my audio components. Now I come home in the evenings from 12 to 16 hours of work, put a nice, relaxing jazz CD on, and kick back in my favorite EZ chair for relief, and stare at the ashes of our cat who also found relief in the same room.
tireguy: you smokin' some of that 5-leaved weed that grows by the abandoned tracks of the rock island line? again? it was my understanding that YOU were called "tiny." which explained your short-lived career in the movie industry. ;~] -kelly
Thanks to all of you for these great stories. I enjoyed each and every one. We've got some budding writers here...cheers, Bluenose