The best bookshelf speaker

Does anybody know out of these speakers which one is the best. Totem mani-2, Platinum audio solo/reference2, or B&W silver signature 25. I have owned the Mani-2's but are any of the others better. Also I was wondering if anybody has info on the platinum audio reference speakers.
Check out the Paradigm Active 20. It is an incredible speaker. Look at the reviews on
I owned the Mani's and thought they were very good as long as powered properly. I have also owned SF Electa Amator 1's JM lab Mini Utopia's and JM Reynaud Offrande's. I think these are also all very good speakers.
I currently own the Piega P2ltd and in the context of my system and my tastes these are my favorite. I am quite smitten.
I would strongly encourage you to seek an audition.
thanks for your responses. But if I can find a pair of the platinum audio reference would they be a contender. Also does anybody know about the Tyler Linbrook monitors. How would they compare with the rest of the good monitors out there.