Best wires for a ProAc SPK and ARC AMP

I recently bought ProAc Response 2.5 and Audio Research integreted amplifier CA 50. I'd like to know which wires would best fit between those components.

I have been running my Audio Research VT50 with my ProAc 1SC's using all HT cables (ProSilway-balanced and Pro-9 bi-wired). I have heard these cables with other amplifiers in my system and feel that they mate best with the VT50. My source in a Wadia 860x directly connected to the VT50. Have not heard the Magic yet, but if you can affford them you should certainly check them out. Good luck...
Going cheap, I recommend ARC's won i/c's and speaker cable. Really very good stuff. ARC says you have to spend $1000 per i/c to better it. I think this is true.
I'm having very good luck using pure silver sound quartet speaker cables with Proac 3.5 speakers and mono tube amps. They are very high quality combined with very good value. For more information check out their website at www.puresilversound or their reviews on audioreview.