High Powered Speakers?

It always strikes me as strange to see an amplifier like the sunfire that does 400 watts per channel.

i really have not seen many speakers at all that can handle over 200W

In fact, most speakers i see reccommend no more than 125-150W

What brands make speakers that can handle that much power?
Rule of thumb: If the speakers can handle 200 watts buy a 400 watt amp and turn it up half way.

Talon Audio has some 1-1000 watt speakers.

The big U-1, A-1 and M-1 Soundlab speakers can handle 750 to 1000 watts of power according to Dr. West, their creator. I have not had the opportunity to put that large an amplifier on my Soundlabs, but it would be nice to audition.
Marty is right: buy an amp that can handle the toughest of speakers. If you amp has needles, you should be okay if your needles don't exceed 60-70% of the way to the top, 90% of the time. This tells you that the amp is comfortable with your speakers at the volumn that you like.
Avalon Eidolons and Revel Salons are two such speakers, and both sound best when used with 300-400W/ch amps.
(Although, if the amps are monoblocks, this can be lowered somewhat, due to the increased current).

I will also note that both of these speakers are very highly regarded speakers as well.