What speaker to replace ESL 63?

I have an old pair of ESL 63 that needed a second overhaul. The cost of Quad maintenance ( spares plus labor)is now awful and I am considering replacing the quads that are very acurate transducers.
What dynamic speaker sound close in tonal and rythmic rightness to those stats? Revel, ATC mini monitors???
I play only classical music (chamber music) and jazz.
Our recommendation would be to audition the new Quad ESL 988, the Magnaplanar 3.6, and the Avalon Opus. These are all excellent fast settling, low distorsion designs. The choice will depend on your taste, and your associated components. Chances are you would favor the ESL 988.

Been there, done that! Love the Quad's but
they are just too fragile. I am now living happily
with Harbeth Monitor 40. Simply accurate, musical
and easy to handle, well, at least you have better
dynamics than the Quads.
if you want dynamic drivers, just get merlins and call it good. they're far faster than just about anything out there, and one well-built crossover helps give the same "single transducer" feeling.

you won't get a multi-driver speaker w/ the same quality crossover for under $10k.

or just get 988s.

Martin Logan CLS. These will be about 15 years old and still considered to be the best Martin Logan ever made. As quick and delicate as the Quads but with more impact and an actual bottom end. They love VTL amps. Good luck.