What speaker to replace ESL 63?

I have an old pair of ESL 63 that needed a second overhaul. The cost of Quad maintenance ( spares plus labor)is now awful and I am considering replacing the quads that are very acurate transducers.
What dynamic speaker sound close in tonal and rythmic rightness to those stats? Revel, ATC mini monitors???
I play only classical music (chamber music) and jazz.
State of the Art driver and crossovers, unique internal damping methods, ambient driver, Hovland caps in the "SE" models, add up to a very quick, transparent, dynamic speaker that delivers a wide soundstage. The VR3.5's(list 3k) have been compared to the new $7k Quands, with more balls to the wall low-end and punch! Price increase effective Nov 1st will bump prices up significantly but, will remain competitive with other brands at similar price points. See at www.vonschweikert.com
Detlof: How broken-in were the P-10's you listened to? The Piega's I have did not become magical until about the 400th hour. They sounded real good out of the box, but improved by a wide margin with break-in.

I do not own the Quad's, but listened to them recently at a friend's house who compared my Piega's with her Quads. She agreed with me and bought a pair of P-10's.
Jtinn: You pose a good question. I cannot truly say. but it was surely below 400 hours. The Quads were broken in. I know, because they were mine, schlepped along for the trial. You may well have the answer here, for the P-10 sounding a bit rough in the midrange. Cheers, Detlof
I heartily second the motion on the Harbeth Compact 7, which, although not easy to find-you may have to purchase from the Canadian distributor-is worth the effort. And it will keep you at the lower end of the price range you mention. In its objectives this extremely well-constructed speaker comes from essentially the same school as some of the greats, e.g., Quad (although it's not an electrostatic)& Spendor. The company, which is primarily in the studio monitor field, has been around for a while.
Jtinn, I respect your opinion of what you heard vs the ESL-63, but I must state as matter of fact, that there is no speaker on this planet, that I have ever listened to, including Infinity IRS-Vs, that I can honestly say is any better than the Quad in the mids.(Is that a run on sentence?)If anyone should make the claim that xyz speaker stomps the Quad in the midrange,I would recommend that they attend a chamber music group concert, to recalibrate their ears to the accurate portrayal of the live illusion. (Jtinn, I am not referring to you here) The US monitor version does not seem to have the high panel failure rate that the earlier ESL-63s did. The sound is also quite a bit better on these. Audiokinesis, you are indeed a dealer with accurate advice, and without question integrety. The ESL-63, no longer being available to sell, you told the truth as your ears hear it, not your wallet. Say Class Act Duke!