What speaker to replace ESL 63?

I have an old pair of ESL 63 that needed a second overhaul. The cost of Quad maintenance ( spares plus labor)is now awful and I am considering replacing the quads that are very acurate transducers.
What dynamic speaker sound close in tonal and rythmic rightness to those stats? Revel, ATC mini monitors???
I play only classical music (chamber music) and jazz.
I would have agreed with you about the 63's with my last breath until hearing the P10's. I may have been a bit "exhuberant" in my "much better" statement, but they really are that good. The break-in period is a rough one and everything improves with playing time on them.

Jennifer Crock of Jena Labs fame owns Entec modified Quad ESL 63's and after hearing my Piegas, bought a pair. She has made it clear to me and others that she has never heard a more coherant speaker.

Frap & Detlof: It appears that we have similar tastes. I too am a huge chamber music enthusiast and appreciate the reproduction of this genre through the Quads. They have been very speacial for many years. At one point, many years ago, the finest sound I had heard.

BTW, Pick up a copy of Haydn's Opus 76 on Astree performed by the amazing Quartuor Mosaiques. Simply fantastic.
Thanks Jtinn. Astree is a fine label. Is that on CD or LP?
From what you say, it makes me all curious to listen to the P10s again. Cheers!
Detlof & Frap: Actually anything by that quartet is exceptional. They have also recorded the Mozart String Quartets which was just re-released. As good a performance as I have heard.