speakers for creek 5350se?

I have a creek 5350se and currently Vandersteen 1c's. I can get the 2ce signatures or I could upgrade to something else. Suggestions? I like classical including symphonic and rock and a little bit of everything else. Rest of system - rotel 971cd, well tempered record player with sumiko bps and audioquest cabling (thinking of switching to kimber kable). Thank you for your suggestions.
Totem speakers work very well with Creek. I heard a 5350 driving the Totem forest and it was very good. I am currently driving Totem Arros with a Creek 4330 using Nordost Blue Heaven spkr and ic's and it is very sweet and I will be upgrading to a 5350 very soon primarily to get a better remote switiching.
I suggest you go to Vandersteen 2ce signature. The 1C's are already quite a good match. 2ce will give you near full range sound that will make orchestra real. the minimonitors will get you this. I would also stay with Audioquest. I have gone back and forth to kimber and AQ.
primarily between AQ emerald to Kimber select copper.
Main difference of AQ to Kimber:
AQ, much better bass and drive, but upper mid can be a bit forward
Kimber, nice upper mid and highs, but softer low bass and lack mid bass.
Vandersteen would definitely match better with AQ.

Good luck
Sorry...just think you have it all ass-backwards! Find a speaker you LOVE IN YOUR ROOM, and then see if the Creek drives it well. If so...you're done. If not, get other amplification. Speaker/room loading is by far the most critical aspect of your system. The proper amp simply enables it.... Good luck.