Speaker recommendations for 2,500 or less?

My system is a Classe CAP 150 integrated amp with a Classe CDP1 cd player... What speakers would work best with my equipment? I would consider either a floor stand or a monitor speaker..
Agree entirely with subaruguru--used Revel F30's are real winners at this pricepoint.
Do yourself a favor. Audition Newform 645's. You will have to order them from the factory ($2300), but they have a 30 day return policy. I auditioned many, many speakers trying to make a decision and I read great things online about the 645's. I was skeptical, but I decided to try the 30 audition. Having had them for some time now, I would pay twice what I paid for them and still feel like I got a deal. And no, I don't know anyone at Newform, not connected to audio in any way, and have zero interest in their company. I am interested in, however, supporting companies who provide excellent products and excellent customer service at bargain prices. These online companies will eventually change audio as we know it!

Should you decide to audition them, run them hard for three weeks before you make a decision. They will be good enough for you to make a decision by then, but they will ultimately take three months to reach their potential.

There is not a speaker mentioned above (especially for the money) that will do as many things well as the 645's and they will kill most of them in many areas. Trust me, give them a listen. You won't go back to the "name game" if you hear a really broken in pair.

Check out the Newforms group at:

I must concur with the Dunlavy SC1V's used (if you can find at $2500/pr), or the PSB Gold's if you're into Rock music! Actually the Golds can kick out the bass with more authority however, but not as refined and quick w/pinpont imaging as the Dunlavy's! However for $1000-$1200 used, the PSB's are a steal for Rock fans! A step up from the PSB's would be a used set of 3.3's from NHT! These have slightly less detail/rez than the Dunlavy's however, but as clear and solid through out!
Of the 3 I mentioned, with the Classe CAP150 you're using, the Dunlavy's are easiest to drive (higher sensetivity), followed by PSB's, then NHT 3.3's.
I've owned the Thiel 2.3's, and like em, but you'll klip the speakers too easy if you're into rock at louder levels with those weeker Classe's!(not as strong as others really)
You need much stronger amps with the Thiels, and there not really rock speakers like others.
For bookshelf monitors, I'd look into some Used Sonus Faber electa Amators for $2500 range used! These are strong sounding, and world class resolution and detail! Stay away from all those Dainty little speakers that are out there for Rock. Proac's, Sililoquies, spica's, etc, just don't cut hard hitting rock that well!...you'll be dissapointed if you even remotely head bang! Thiel 2.3 are OK ith massive power amps, but not Classe's older amps!!Dippolito's in floor standers work better for Rock usually, and are more dynamic often than conventional speakers, Anyway, good luck