Dunlavy out of buisness?

I just heard by a salesman that Dunlavy had/was going out of buisness. Anyone heard anything about this?
if dunlavy "sold" his company to someone else in colorado springs, i'd be willing to bet the farm it's his largest secured creditor. if you think that bodes well, then you likely also believe that mr. dunlavy escaped australia whilst it was still a british penal colony. i'll check my local sources tomorrow and post any updates that seem worthwhile. -cfb
Any member who has access to the D&B commercial credit database can check out cornfedboy's suspicions. I'll contibute $10 to the cost of the query via paypal to any member who will run the query.
BTW in order to not get anyone in trouble I'm not asking anyone disclose any details of the D&B report. Just a simple cfb is off base or seems to be on to something is fine.
As an aside, did anyone really like his speakers? I auditioned the SC-IV and SC-V and I could not believe the
box colorations - sticking my ear to the sides, I could hear
the bass and primarily the mid drivers "leak" sound out.
As if the speaker was hollow inside (which is probably
not true); they certainly did not pass the knuckle test
I had a pair of SC-IV/A and loved them. I ended up moving so I had to sell my system. Some of the best speakers to my ears. I was looking at a pair of SC-V but now that the company is changing hands/out of business I have to look elsewhere.