Entry-level speakers

Hi, I'm just starting out on a decent system. My source is a music hall mmf-5, and I'm considering the PSB Image 4Ts. In about 15 months I'll be moving away to college, and needless to say, I probably won't have a huge listening room. Until then, I'll be listening in my current bedroom which must be about 350 ft^2. Does anyone have an opinion on the 4Ts ability to fill a large room and sound decent in a cramped room? Would the 5/6/7 Ts be overkill? I like the 1Bs, but there's so little bass, and they sound small. I've also heard some B&Ws, Vandersteens, and Martin Logans...each of which sounded good, but probably wouldn't be practical for me. Are there any other speakers I should listen to? Other than space requirements, my only other major limitation is money. I have saved up about 10 thousand and I'd like to use roughly 15 hundred to two thousand on my system (speakers, amp, cables, etc). Thanks in advance for any help.
Axiom M3ti, only $275 and superb performance. Checkout the Soundstage! review at www.axiomaudio.com
Your going to be in a dorm room that you share with someone you've never met do not spend a lot of money on your stuff. It is going to have beer spilled on it, people you don't know puking on it, get stolen, etc. Get a pair of Ascend Acoustics 170s( see the $ensible Sound reviews at the Ascend site) for $330 and an older NAD amp or receiver here or on ebay. Keep it under $500 it is going to be abused in a dorm unless you take with you every time you leave your room.
...If you take a $2K rig into a dorm setting be prepared to kiss it good-bye in a hurry. If you don't believe me then I ask that just wait thru 6 weeks of dorm living before you drop that kind of money.
...Just because you're responsible in saving money and planning a year out doesn't mean that whoever you end up paired with won't think that seeing how many time his soda/beer goes around your turntable before it flys off is great entertainment. Remember that your roommate will be using this stuff while you are in class/library etc. Also, you are going to have to teach them how to use a turntable and care for vinyl because very few people your age own(or have even seen) either. Ascend Acoustics has the CMT-340(approx $500) that would be simuliar in size/style to the PSB 4T that is a pair of their center channels turned up on end with the crossover modified for this setup. You may have to email or call them for more info I don't think they have put them on the web site yet.
Hi, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped. I've had had my system for almost half a year now, and I love it. I ended up deciding on the PSB 4Ts and the NAD C320BEE. The only downside is that I can't listen to my car stereo without thinking about how much better my home stereo would sound. I'm probably going to take my old speakers to college next year and bring the 4Ts along with my TT and all my vinyl when I get an apartment.
Thanks again