Speakers for Classical Music

Hello everyone,

Recently, I have listened to several speakers from low-end to high-end in order to find the best speakers of classical music. My criteria were sound clarity, sound stage, accuracy and depth. However, I was not able to locate approriate speakers to meet the above criteria. Therefore, I am seeking your advice.

What are the best speakers for classical music?

Thanks in advance.
This is a topic that I have spent a long time with in the course of listening through the years. A good rendition of classical music is likely the hardest thing for a music system to reproduce. Just go to a symphony concert and then go home and listen to your system.
I currently use Waveform Mach Solo speakers with BAT electronics and that all does pretty well with making a reasonable presentation of the orchestra sound. Chamber music is really fantastic. Waveform is now out of production, so you are out of luck there.
I have found that B&W Nautilus speakers 801-803 do a good job, with proper front ends. The 804 just lacks too much in the bass for a good orchestra sound.
There are others out there as well. The things to look for in a speaker are it's ability to reproduce low level detail at low sound volumes, and good bass response.
Speakers that do well in these areas are said to be Coincident, Audio Physic, many of the "British" speaker companies.
Keep listening. Take your favorite piece of music with you and that will help you hear the differences. Good luck
Thanks for all. However, I noticed that some recommended two-way speakers while others recommended three-way speakers. I was wondering which is better of a two-way speaker plus a subwoofer in seperate or a three-way speaker with subwoofer in it. Thanks.
It really does not matter if it's 2-way or 3-way. It's all in how it is done and the music that comes out. Some times it is really hard to get a really good match with a subwoofer. However REL can supposedly match anything. In the end it all comes down to system synergy and liking the music one hears.
Check out Vienna Acoustics. Bachs Mozarts Beethovens and Mahlers. I think the names they give these speakers suggest that they would be excellant with classical music. BTW they are great on everthing else too. I have owned their Hadyns, Mozarts and Beethovens and I love the sound.