Rap music on high-end speakers


I have audiophile taste in gear, but not in music. I listen to rap music, and occansionaly R&B. Is there anyone out there like me? What do you listen for when buying gear? I was wondering what are the benefits in getting better gear? I want to upgrade the speakers to either proac response 3.8 or wilson cubs. Here is my system:

Levinson No.23
aranov ls-9000
Platinum audio reference 2
Paradigm servo 15
kimber speaker wire
esoteric component wires
amc cdm7
You guys are pathetic snobs! (most, anyway). I'm a musician (percussion,piano), who's also a recording engineer, dj, and an audiophile. this is my first post here. I can't believe the bigotry and hypocrisy I've heard in the first 20 or so posts. I listen from everything from Mozart to Copeland to Dylan to Junior Brown to the Wu-Tang, A tribe called Quest, to Brubeck, to Marsalis, back to Tchikowsky... so whatever. My point is, why be a dick to the guy when he's asking for equipment advice? Most complaints I hear about audiophiles is that they're snobs.... Get Cerwin Vegas indeed. Why can't you all be open minded about this and perhaps learn something? Hip hop is the latest line in black music, which has brought us jazz, soul, R&B, and rock, to name a few genres... Miles Davis chose to do his last album in hip hop, and it's a masterpiece, like everything else he's done. (no offense to those who took him seriously!!!
Tru, I was like you about ten years ago, so I shopped around and bought Vanersteen 2ci's. Today I listen to alot of techno and trance, still love my ten year old speakers. Happy shopping, Jason

P.S. You can find great price on used vaners, like 750.00 or less.
Hey Tru,
I figure as more rap fans out there get good equipment, there'll be that much more pressure in the studios to record and mix well.. I think raps albums are already mixed and produced better then most of the current rock/pop crud. To me, music is about communication.. doesn't matter what the genre is.. it's the all about the artists and producers.. if they're creative and real, it comes through.

the B&W 801's will kick ass, but you'll need plenty of quality wattage to drive em. My next personal upgrade target is to Audio Physic Virgo or Avanti's, cause their imaging is so amazing,(they disappear,) they make me feel stoned even when I'm not..
I listen to lots of prog. rock and industrial music. It's not rap and it's not pop but I bet some people wouldn't get the high end rig for such music tastes. But still I've got a pretty good analogue...
Amen Queg.Great music on good speakers is like a drug. And we'll all addicted! It doesn't matter what type you listen to, so long as you enjoy it.

Cheers and happy listening!