Carver Amazing Platinum

Hello, I recently purchased a pair of preowned Carver Amazing MkIV platinum loudspeakersand have a couple questions.

1) Does anyone know what the impeadance is for these?

I know the 60in ribbon is 4 ohms. I thought I read somewhere that the woofers were 16 ohms each. Wired in parallel that would be 4 ohms for all four. I'm not positive about the woofer impeadance though since I'm recalling this from memory.

2) Do I need to know anything special to bi-wire these speakers?

These speakers have a control panel for the hi and low freq
responce and for the Q damping. I haven't pulled the controls out of the unit or anything yet. I don't imagine this is anything difficult to do however it doesn't hurt to ask if I should be aware of anything.

I tried calling Carver(Sunfire) with these questions and was
refered to a guy in Fl. However he only repairs the ribbon

Thanks but this is the guy, Dave, in Florida I talked to that repairs the ribbons.

Go to the site listed below - the webmaster there owns these and would probably be able to tell you what the specs are -